Power of the Edge at teams

By Jowgenetsu, in UFS Uk Forum

Will power of the edge be legal at teams or has it not been reprinted yet?



Your resident wrestling wolf

It's rumoured that it's been reprinted, but I don't think anyone has actually seen a reprinted copy to my knowledge. It certainly hasn't been made legal and, given that October's promos are known (if not in the UK yet) and PotE isn't one of them, I doubt it'll be legal for Teams mate, although I'm sure a fair few people will wish it was :)

The known reprinted cards that are legal are Martial Arts Champ, Close Throw, Cursed Blood and Mark of the Beast.

Obviously, there's nothing official about what I just said - given I'm a) not going to be there or b) have nothing to do with that sort of thing anymore :)


Thats what I thought, I guess thats for the best but it is definatly needed in the game I think.

Korrin said:

It's rumoured that it's been reprinted, but I don't think anyone has actually seen a reprinted copy to my knowledge. It certainly hasn't been made legal and, given that October's promos are known (if not in the UK yet) and PotE isn't one of them, I doubt it'll be legal for Teams mate, although I'm sure a fair few people will wish it was :)

The known reprinted cards that are legal are Martial Arts Champ, Close Throw, Cursed Blood and Mark of the Beast.

Obviously, there's nothing official about what I just said - given I'm a) not going to be there or b) have nothing to do with that sort of thing anymore :)


What he said. happy.gif

It's not legal for teams.

- Ross