Imperial Assault Big Trade thread

By wblackthorn, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

Great trade with TheUnsullied!

Just wanted to report a successful trade with Nitratas.


AA Dengar

AA elite Trandoshan Hunter (summer 15)

AA Royal Guards

FFG Acrylic Focus tokens (two sets of 5)


Looking for:

AA Luke Skywalker

FFG Acrylic Damage counters (two sets)

FFG Acrylic Terminal Tokens


2016 Regional dice (really only want the green die)

Edited by FSD

front page updated

keep up the good work all

Reporting successful trade with Arviss Thanks! :)


Here's my updated list:


Stormtrooper AA

Trandoshan AA (Summer 2015 Tournament Kit)

Rebel Trooper AA

Bantha AA


Chewie AA

IG-88 AA

Dengar AA

Acrylic Neutral Mission Tokens (set of 5)

Spring 2016 Challenge Coin with Rebel Trooper

I have several of many of these things if you're looking for multiples


Royal Guard Errata AA

Luke Skywalker AA

Darth Vader AA

Han Solo AA

Trandoshan AA ( Adepticon Promo)

Transparent Blue or Black Die

(FWIW: I'm located in Northern California.)

Edited by nickv2002

Great trade with nickv2002 ! :P

Trading $ for Vader promo. Have paypal to make it easy. Lmk, thx!!


Cash is a no no on this forum sorry

I have the following to trade

Imp Ass

Rebel Troopers

Trandoshan Hunter (x2)


Film strip han solo

scimitar bomber

academy pilot (x4


ISD Class II

Nebulous B Escort

I want

Imp Ass




Royal Guard

Crate tokens

green white regional dice

Great trade with Vykk Draygo.

Likewise, great trade with FSD. Great guy to deal with, smooth transaction.

front page updated with completed trades

Updated List

Edited by RogueLieutenant

I'd like a pair of the AA fixed Royal Guards.

I only have X-Wing alt stuff, but I have quite a bit, so I can put a trade together or we can make another arrangement.


updated in page 7

Edited by Nitratas

Great trade with animattor78.

Great trade with FSD.

I'm looking to trade white and green imperial assault regionals dice for black and blue from last year.

I am located in Canada, and would prefer deals with Canada or the USA, but depending on what the trade is, I could possibly be talked into international.

X wing force awakens core set. Everything punched out but never actually used. Bought it intending to try it out and wasn't thrilled.
AA bantha rider
a variety of playmats, all MTG standard sized (pm if interested)

Stun, terminal, objective acrylics tokens ffg
Challenge coin

and in my wildest dreams, those clear dice.

Possibly armada acrylic tokens and alternate arts as well. Not sure what my fate in that game will be as of yet. It sees less play than IA does in my area :/
Hopefully we can strike up some deals!

Does anyone know if the dice bag from this announcement was given out at Nationals 2015?

I don't think I've seen one for trade or on eBay, but if someone has one, I'd be up for a trade for sure.

I have for trade:

Acrylic Stun Tokens

Acrylic Focus Tokens

AA Bantha

AA Trandoshan (vanilla, not Adepticon)

AA Stormtrooper


AA Rebel Trooper

I'm interested in:

AA Han

AA Dengar

AT-ST Dice Bag from my link above

AA Trandoshan (Adepticon)

X-Wing acrylic range ruler from OP kit

General X-Wing OP swag, anything acrylic

Anybody know the value of the AA Han Solo card? I'm just getting into IA and I play a lot of X-Wing, so I'm more interested in trading for X-Wing related things.


I know your not asking to sell but someone could miss read your post as a wanting to sell post .so just to remind you the is no selling on here.

now if you have a Han solo AA to trade which one do you have as armada(spring kit 2016),imperial assault (national championships 2015) each have one, and x-wing has two,(one is a world promo from 2015 and is a drawing ,the other is from I believe the winter kit from 2014 and is a picture and from board game day so is fairly common).

hope this helps

Yes, I understand that there is no selling for cash, sorry to confuse you. I meant what is the value compared to other prizes? This AA Han Solo is the IA version, as in the Nationals Han. I'm mostly interested in X-Wing prizes (acrylic shields, various AA cards, dice, etc.) Thanks!

"Yes, I understand that there is no selling for cash, sorry to confuse you"

all is cool then :)

AA han solo from the nationals is quite a rare card in the UK ,and has been traded for even the IA worlds darth vader 2015 promo. i'm not sure what the trade value is around the rest of the world.or for x-wing stuff.

I would suggest putting up a list of what you are after and what you have to trade on both the IA and x-wing trade threads and see whats offered.

I have a ten dollar bill I'd like to trade for a...