I should start off by saying MAJOR SPOILERS for my players. If you are one of my players, please stop reading now as you'll invalidate about 6 months worth of gaming.
So we're currently in the middle of a long term game of Deathwatch, based in the Jericho Reach. The marines are closing on rank 4 and just about to escape the space hulk Mortis Thule (I'm running Ark of Lost Souls). Tyranids are the major enemy so far and will continue to be for a while and I plan to have the kill-team be instrumental to all but crippling the Tyranid fleet in the Jericho reach before going off to get wrapped up in The Dark Secret.
(Hey Phil this is the Dark Heresy forum, why are you talking about Deathwatch)
So assuming the current campaign doesn't die for some reason, it should go on for about a year I'd say. Then we'll probably play something else for a while. After that I was thinking of starting a Dark Heresy campaign based around a cell of acolytes who are trying to save as much as they can from the faltering Achilles Crusade and doomed Imperial worlds of the reach. The PCs will be brought to an arbites precinct fortress within the Iron Collar and told that the Tau and Chaos forces have leached so much resources from the crusade that Imperial Forces have been unable to hold back the Tyranid advance. Tyranid forces will soon be assaulting Imperial worlds that are being used to command the entire crusade. Lord General Militant Solomon Tetrarchus will not listen to reason, and steps must be made to salvage what the Imperium can from the subsector. They will be tasked with retrieving artifacts from doomed worlds, convincing independent forces to fall back and even sabotaging Imperial efforts to engage on war fronts that they cannot win on.
(OK, so what was all that about the Deathwatch)
The twist, of course, is that the Jericho Reach is not doomed. The Deathwatch will wipe out the majority of the Tyranid fleet and the Imperial forces of the Orpheus Salient will turn to engage in clean-up or redeployment operations. Meanwhile the PC's orders will stay the same. Sooner or later they will realize that something is not right and that they are not in fact receiving orders from the Inquisition and they will have the choice of either hunting down whoever has been giving them orders or joining them.
My current thinking is that the whole thing is an alpha legion plot, so when they come to the final confrontation they can call on their old characters for aid.
Of course a big part of the game will be the players realizing that they are in fact playing in a consistent world as opposed to the restart that it seemed at first.
So what do you guys think? Do you have any ideas for missions? Do you think that this will be fun for a 4-7 investigation game? How would you insert the investigative nature of Dark Heresy into this game?
Edited by PhilOfCalth