Shuttles and Guncutters and Landers, Oh My!

By Nojo509, in Rogue Trader

I'm hoping that the GM kit includes information on small craft. In the RAW, there are no shuttles, guncutters, or aquila landers to get to a planet's surface. Not only do I want them to exist, I want stats.

It's funny the sample missions relied on the Guncutter, then the core book left them out. I know, you can only put so much in the core book, and RT has a lot of topics to cover. So please, put small craft in the GM kit.

I want small craft combat. I want it all, and I want it now! :)

Those are all covered in the DH Vehicle's Apocrapha, I believe.

Guncutters, the Aquila Lander, the Arvus Lighter and cargo landers were released awhile ago from Black Industries in the Dark Heresy Apocrypha Vehicles & Riding Beasts. I am not sure where you can get this 20 page supplement for download, but if you can't find it PM me and I will see what I can do for you.


I think it's up on Dark Reign now.

i downloaded it ages ago and i'm glad i did cause its a nightmare getting hold of it these days

Thanks, I have that. I was hoping for something consistant with the Starship rules.

Nojo509 said:

Thanks, I have that. I was hoping for something consistant with the Starship rules.

That's what I was thinking too. I haven't read fully the starship rules, but after I do, I'm starting a thread to pipe in thoughts/suggestions/house rules to get us by. It'll be a long time until that supplement comes out!

Someone please post a link so we can download this .pdf.

The Dark Heresy Apocrypha Vehicles & Riding Beasts is a great sourse of information, but I'm interested in the availability of the vehicles listed as that information is very important to what we will be doing with RT.

Awesome Thanks!

Are there differences in the content of the two? Or is it just colour/layout?

Theres more in the fan version and with more images.

I havent looked at the details between them but did notice a weapons list at the end of the PDF which is handy.

Wraithblade said:

The Dark Heresy Apocrypha Vehicles & Riding Beasts is a great sourse of information, but I'm interested in the availability of the vehicles listed as that information is very important to what we will be doing with RT.

Apart from the Space Marines vehicles a Rogue Trader would be able to get hold of the other vehicles.

With their connections and wealth theres not much outside their reach.


Not really what I meant I'm talking about an individual avalibility rating such as common, scarce or rare. That way I can work them into the table for determining +/- for profit factor rolls.

Wraithblade said:

Not really what I meant I'm talking about an individual avalibility rating such as common, scarce or rare. That way I can work them into the table for determining +/- for profit factor rolls.

OK got you now.

I would go with common for everything not full military in use, scarce for everything else with rare for Space Marines then.

Quite simple that way, you could add individual availablitiy later.


Were there any other official Apocrypha (oxymoron!) documents from Black Library? The cover text implies there were other alternate rules out/coming out.

IIRC that was the only one but its been a while since I played, just getting back into it now.


heirodule said:

Were there any other official Apocrypha (oxymoron!) documents from Black Library? The cover text implies there were other alternate rules out/coming out.

More were likely planned, but aside from the timeline of the Calixis Sector, I don't think any others were ever written. Black Industries didn't really last long enough to do all the things they planned to do with 40kRP. The vehicle rules were actually written to be included in The Inquisitor's Handbook (or rather, The Inquisitor's Armoury, one of the two planned smaller books that were combined to create the Inquisitor's Handbook - the other being the Acolyte's Handbook), and were instead removed from that book and released separately as a free PDF before The Inquisitor's Handbook was released.