Updated rulebook PDF anywhere?

By Semmel2, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark


my first attempts in using pieces of postit notes in the original rulebook to add/change things were the errata said were not too successful.

So I downloaded the Errata and the Rulebook as PDF and tried to edit them in Acrobat, but there is something strange about how the fonts are encoded (and that's all I know...), and I can't even change the font because of that, and without changing the font I can't make any edits unless I can find the original fonts. Since the original fonts use names like TT6ACO00 and since I was unable to find them anywhere, I'm somewhat stuck.

Is there any way that the people at FFG could either create updated PDF files with the new additions/errata and FAQs added into the original rulebook file, or a way to make the fonts available that were used in creating the rulebook? I'd be willing to attempt to edit the file and make it available (after permission, of course), but without the fonts I won't be able to do that.

It is very inconvenient to have 1. the rulebook, 2. the quest book and 3. a dozen loose pages all sitting around during a game.

Any suggestion or solution would be greatly appreciated.


You can use the strike-out and sticky note tools in Adobe to the FAQs and errata. If you're using a different pdf editor, it may have a similar tool available.

Hm, you're right, I didn't think of that...

Thanks for the advice! I can handle that :-)

(Still discovering Acrobat's capabilities...)

I believe there are one or two attempts at an updated/consolidated rulebook available on BoardGameGeek.

It would certainly be nice if FFG would update their PDFs, but experience has repeatedly shown they don't even update their online PDFs when they actually print an updated rulebook for a new print run of the game, so I can only assume that they don't care even a little bit about it.

Just went through 150 pages of downloads on Board Game Geek - I thought there were 1500 files, but no, it's 1500 PAGES of files, and no way to search for names, and the sorting by title doesn't work one bit...

So I went to the Descent page there and went through the downloads that are linked there (some where useful), but I couldn't find an updated rule book (only in a different language that I don't know). There are "updated" rules that include changes suggested by players, so nothing official.

So I'll try to edit an original rule book with sticky notes etc. - better than nothing.

If someone should happen to find a new rule book on any other site, please link here, preferably before I start putzing around with the PDF :-)

Great, you found it! :-)

Thanks so much!

It's a *great* book, use it all the time.

The same author is working on an RtL version of this book, can't wait for it to be done :)


shnar said:

It's a *great* book, use it all the time.

The same author is working on an RtL version of this book, can't wait for it to be done :)


Cool beans - mahalos for the heads-up!!