This is an opinion-search, I suppose, but a curiosity I have, so...
As you play Edge, Age, and now Destiny, how much of things do you let those things you know happened guide you? With the official burning of the EU, lots of Star Wars material is gone, unless you still choose to incorporate it (it's still fresh in many of our minds, so that helps), but the line currently wants to focus on the movies time frame, anyway, where events are still scripted from '77 on, leaving that newly cleared space still empty, since Disney hasn't repopulated it, yet. As your group plays, I assume that they aren't Luke, Leia, Han, and Chewie, but people of their own fabrication, so do you try to make opportunities to fit in their actions, around the pillars of things we know will happen, or did you just pick a timestamp to start, and then say "okay, whatever you guys do, that's where we go. You might topple the Empire tomorrow, kill Darth Vader, or whatever."? Certainly, what you are trying to accomplish will scale with that, but I am just wondering how much is "you can do what you want, but Hoth will still fall, Han will still get frozen, and on; you've seen the movies", and how much is either "you've seen the movies, so barring extreme actions from you, you have an idea of where the huge metaplot will go, while you act out smaller parts, within it" or "from this point on, RoTJ isn't a thing. You guys will shape the fates of the stars."
One of the irritating things I've had with movie-based RPGs is a combination of you know what's going to happen, sort of, and there are certain things you can't go near doing, because it's someone else's job. If you play Jedi-aspiring characters, potentially the 501st, and possibly even Vader, COULD show up to get you, and while it's nice that the one time Vader crops up in material, I've heard he's less a stat, and more a 1st round: did you run? No. Okay, you're hurt badly, or someone died. Vader's fine. Round 2: Did you run? No. TPK. Vader's fine, it could sort of smack of suck to say "can't use him, because the party can't do anything to him. I have some friends who have been playing Star Wars d6 since the early 80s, and they are all cheesy, important people in the Alliance, most have written up their characters children, and played them up to a moderate level, just to give themselves something else to play, though they only play two or three times a year now, and while they have many of them read some EU novels, they made up a lot of stuff, and ignored a lot more. I sort of like it because post ROTJ, the universe was their oyster, a field to make whatever they wanted, and to hell with what Luke Skywalker was doing.
So what do you do; use the movie events as tentpoles and milestones, to sort of guide the party along, though allowing them to do things within these events, so that they aren't just watching ESB, or throw the reins off, and say "if you think you can kill the Emperor, you're welcome to try", and NOT say, in the back of your head, "well, you aren't Vader, doing the Vader slam, in the throne room of the Death Star, so no, you can't"?
Just wondering. It can be fun to see the different paths some games follow. Of course, if you said "I'd rather play KOTOR, or Legacy era (Legacy especially might work, with the again-passing of the Jedi), this might mean less, but if you like them, you probably know some of their events, and would have to choose to stick to, or ignore them, too. Thanks, and have fun.