My prior discussion on the Age of rebellion game I asked about playing a soldier among a bunch of force user types.
I've been recently informed that, due to "I can't explain why or else I'll ruin the story", I need to have a force rating in order to play.
I was thinking about this and decided that, what the hell, I'll make him as normal, I'll just be 30 xp short because I would take force sensitive emergent. I wouldn't even do much development in it, other than potentially taking like, one force power later on in the game.
What I was wanting to know about was that if I ended up making a lightsaber, how can I make it my blaster rifle's bayonet? Does it count as an upgrade attachment? Would it be done as a linked weapon (Still not sure how linked works) and I only use it for that if I am in engaged range?
I would also love some help on what kind of rules there are for making your own other types of weapons. Is it just based on Mechanics?