Hey guys and gals, I have a new article up at my site vikramas.blogspot.com , check it out when you get the chance. As always, any comments/concerns/criticisms are appreciated. I always get good feedback, so thanks for that.
I have some additional updates as well. First, let me say my eventual plan is to grow this blog into a full-blown site with a unique domain, and I am examining my options for that at the moment. That is long term, though - in the short term, I just want a hub of good UFS content and different things to appeal to different people. To that effect, I have spoken with Matt Kohls about writing some articles, and he is amenable. Something like "UFS House Speaks" or equivalent, a "pro corner" if you will. They have three (!) character cards and two assets among them, so I think whatever he has to say is definitely of value, no? In addition, I will speaking to other Champions such as Omar, Andrew, Jeremy, etc. to get them to contribute in some fashion. Expect the usual kinds of stuff - interviews, analysis, decklists and reports, etc.; that's the agenda. Cool?
James and I have spoken about more about the UFS minisite. His idea is to get it on the path to more expansive things, like MTG has done for years. To that end, I will also be writing for the minisite. These articles at first will probably be more generally oriented - how to build a deck with a pile of cards, tips at playing better, etc. - but I think it will get bigger and better, so look for that.
I want some feedback on that specifically - what are you guys wanting? I know some have told me they have been starved for good content ever since UFScards.com folded. What would you like to see? I want to know. the goal is to get my own site and with Steve and James the minisite as relevant and interesting as can be.
To that end, once again, I am asking for writers and writing submissions. The last time I did this, I got a lot of great responses but from my end things fell apart. Now, I actually have the site up and going and have full control over the content, and that WON'T happen again. Therefore, I would like to see what you all have to say. I know some of you forum goers have great personality and a flair for writing, and as long as the topic is somewhat UFS-related, I don't care what you write about. I am not a censor, merely an editor. If someone writes me an excellent article that completely attacks FFG and whatnot, I mean I might ask them a bit more about why exactly they are so mad (it's a game) but I'll still publish it as good work. That sorta thing. If you are interested in sending me a submission, please use the following guidelines:
-give a short outline of who you are and what your idea for an article or regular column is. If you want to write a regular column, please also let me know what your schedule is like, how regularly you can do it, etc.
-a brief writing sample, either the actual article itself or something else, on UFS. Any topic is fine. I don't need an essay, just a few paragraphs is good, but if you want to write out a full article that's fine. Please give it a cursory proofread. Unless you really cannot write at all, this should not be an issue.
If both of those things are good, then cool! We'll go from there. Please email them to [email protected] either in-message or as a Wordpad/Word document. Thanks again and hope you all start writing!