Since my new group is completely unfamiliar with the world of Warhammer 40K beyond "oh, it's that game with the space marines", the starting adventure would need to satisfy the following requirements:
- preferably solvable in 4 hours
- introduces the players to essential setting concepts like a widespread fanatical belief in the Emperor, an obsession with spiritual purity and the reasons behind it, technology rooted in religion and ritual, and the fact that they're working for the Space Nazis
- lets all players have their moments in the spotlight (we have a Sinophian Arbitrator with the Calixian Pattern Killings package and 60% in Inquiry and Scrutiny, a Forge World Reclaimator who's the party face with Charm and Deceive 44% and Tech-Use 50%, and a Mind Cleansed Assassin who's great at killing people but rather short on utility skills, with 32% Intimidate and 55% Silent Move; moreover, all of them are passable liars and the Arbitrator has 19% in cult, heresy and underworld-related lore), with situations specifically geared towards their areas of competence
- doesn't hinge on the party succeeding on "chokepoint" checks, instead opting for a Hunter/Hunted setup with ultimate failure being the result of poor decision-making and extremely bad luck
No published scenario I know of manages to check all of these boxes, thus, one needs to be written. Give me your ideas!