Questions about the force power: move and lightsaber hilts

By Spieler1302444, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG


i have a few questions about the force power move. I am not a native speaker, so pls excuse me, if i make some mistakes.

1.) My first question is about the correct dice when you are using move. In edge of the empire it is pretty clearly. You have to use discipline. But in f&d you have to roll a ranged attack. What does this mean. Still discipline but with the difficulty upgrades from a ranged attack like adversary, sidestep... Or do u have to roll a light/heavy ranged attack?

2.) This topic is about the strength upgrade. Normaly you can activate all of your strength upgrades with one white force point, if i am correct. The f&d says, that u can activate this upgrade multiple times, what does that mean exactly?

Does it mean, that one white force point is enough do get all your strength upgrades til a maximum of 4?

Or does it mean that you can acivate all your strength upgrades again with an additional white force point. For example, if I have 3 force points to acticate my strenght upgrade and I have 4 of them, can i get a strength upgrade until silhoutte 12? Sounds pretty broken, but I am uncertain.

Now the hilts.

Is it allowed to combine an extended hilt with a curved hilt? Especially in a double-bladed lightsaber?

Thank you for any help.



1. It's still Discipline, it calls it out in the long description of the Discipline skill. Something like, "when you're trying to telekinetically move things ..." It just seems to have been an oversight that it got removed from the various Move descriptions through the process of trying to make it easier to understand that it's handled like a ranged combat attack in most other forms.

2. If you have all upgrades, a single Force Point can activate them all at once. If you don't, then you can spend multiple Force Points to get to what you need. So if you have 2 Strength Upgrades, you can spend 1 to get the max Silhouette to 2, or 2 to get the max Silhouette to 4. You can also technically go beyond what the max number of upgrades can normally allow (and this applies to every upgrade that can be activated multiple times that don't say otherwise), but some GMs tend to put a hard cap on it at max being the number of upgrades, so it's up to each table to decide.

3. Also a GM call.

You still upgrade difficulty and add setbacks for things like Adversary and cover.

1) Yeah, it's still Discipline, and is actually called out under the entry for Discipline in the Skills chapter. And anything the target has that would affect the difficulty dice pool of a ranged attack, such as the Adversary talent or a ranged defense value (gained either from armor or simply having cover) would affect the difficulty of that Discipline check. So if you were trying to hurl a Silhouette 1 object at an opponent with one rank of Adversary that was behind cover, you'd be rolling 1 challenge die and 1 setback die (base diff = 1purple for Silhouette 1, upgraded once for Adversary, add setback for Ranged Defense 1).

2) This was a change introduced during the FaD Beta. It used to be that you could only trigger Strength Upgrades once, up to the number you purchased; thus if you only had bought a single Strength Upgrade, you could never affect anything that was above Silhouette 1 until you bought more Strength Upgrades.

This was kind of a controversial change during the Beta process, as it opened the proverbial floodgates to enabling PCs to toss around Star Destroyers, since you can now activate those Strength Upgrades multiple times; thus, if you had only purchased two Strength Upgrades, you can now spend two Force Points to activate them twice to affect up to a Silhouette 4 object, where before you were capped at objects of Silhouette 2 in terms of what you could affect with Move.

3) On the hilts, that's up to the GM. Technically, there's nothing in the rules stopping you from adding both of those to a double-bladed lightsaber beyond the simple matter of "do you have enough hard points left?" And I think there's been a canon example of a curved-hilt lightsaber in the form of Asajj Ventress being able to combine her twin curved-hilt 'sabers into a double-bladed lightsaber (believe it was in the TCW movie when she and Obi-Wan were dueling on the monastery planet, but could easily be mistaken).

Granted, it's a bit on the cheesy side to stack two rather different hilt types together into the same lightsaber, but by RAW there's nothing stopping you if the GM doesn't veto it.

Thank you for you answers :)

I understand 1 & 3 ;)

Not sure about 2. So u can trigger the strength upgrade more than once to get more than silhoutte 4? Or do you can only proc them until S4 if u havent 4 strenghts upgrades yet?

By RAW, you can go beyond Silhouette 4 (and beyond the number of upgrades for any upgrade in any power that does not specifically state you can't otherwise). Not all GMs allow it since they think it's too much. Others are fine with it.

If you have 2 strength upgrades you can spend 2 force pips to lift silhouette 4. or if you have 4 strength upgrades per RAW you can spend 3 pips to move silhouette 12...whether your GM will allow that is up to your GM. Same rules apply for magnitude.

This is where skill at force powers can often times be a little more important than force rating..As the powers can make the force pips you have go far further.

Per the rules, Spending a Force point on your Strength Upgrades allows you to increase the Silhouette of an affected object by one per Strength Upgrade you have purchased. You can do this multiple times, same with the Range and Magnitude Upgrades in Move.


A: I have purchased 1 Strength Upgrade and the Force Die roll generates 3 Force Points, I can affect a Silhouette 2 Object. (1 point to activate Move, 2 points to activate my Strength Upgrade twice.

B: I have purchased 2 Strength Upgrades and the Force Die roll generates3 Force Points, I can affect a Silhouette 4 Object (1 point to activate Move, 2 points to activate all my Strength Upgrades twice.

C: If I have purchase 3 Strength Upgrades and the Force Die roll generates 3 Force Points, I can affect a Silhouette 6 Object (1 point to activate Move, 2 points to activate all my Strength Upgrades twice.)

All of these are only at Short Range though. So you're not going to be moving these large objects very far without also spending Force Points on Range. Assuming scenario B above, A better use for 3 Force Points and Move may be to use one point to activate Move, the second Force Point to activate your Strength Upgrades (affecting a Silhouette 2 Object), and the third Force Point to activate any Range Upgrades you have purchased. If you have 2 Range Upgrades, that last Force Point will allow you to move a Silhouette 2 object at Long Range.

Edited by DarthGM