Fun gripes!

By Alderaan Crumbs, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG

I also prefer specializations to be cheaper since I prefer multiple specializations in my players concepts. I am not worried about dipping since I make players invest time learning new specializations and we'll my players are just not into taking a specialization if it doesn't actually go with the concept.

Agree I prefer a picture for all weapons, armor, equipment, and starships or no pictures at all. It's either make everyone Google for a picture or no one lol

Would have prefered Brawl to work off of Brawn with agility being damage or Work off of Agility with Brawn being damage. I feel both are part of fighting and like the synergy of both together rather than one

Ready the eyebleach...


You found Priscilla! I was going to comment about her! That Hutt was a PC in the game that I ran for about 4 years. She was a truly wonderful character, and my players crafted many illustrations of her.

In general, the terminology sucks. I have had this problem since Edge came out. A lot of talents are well balanced, but the name doesn't accurately reflect what they do. My worst problem is probably the force talent Sense Danger, which removes 2 blacks from a roll 1x per session. A great talent, but not what I would call Sensing Danger.

Like the Blooded Talent. That doesn't make me think of being resistant to poison.

Ok, I couldn't resist, two more fun gripes!

My favorite gripe that my players keep throwing at me is "THERE'S TOO MUCH STUFF TO SPEND XPEAZ ON!!!!!!!!" Which, really when you think of it is a quality first world problem to have. :D It's like saying my beer is too cold, or my daquari is too fruitiful.

And My second fun gripe - Lightsaber hardpoints. Follow me on this.

Base lightsaber 5 Hardpoints. I'm cool with this this. Double bladed has 4, because you have to have a lot more plotdevicium-unobtanium alloy to make the snaphiss happen at both ends, So I'm cool with that. The shoto lightsaber is an abomination in the eyes of the Force, but it's small so, sure it only has three hardpoints. The Lightsaber Pike... This thing is huge, right? So big it's cumbersome. I mean, good luck hiding that thing, right? It should be MADE of hardpoints! And I will preemptively dispatch the notion of "But, it's got defensive!" because you cannot take my dream of a giant glowstick of death cortosised up because it's one of two lightsabers you actually have a chance of hitting without cutting off someone's hands, disguised as a totally functioning repulsorlift segway with a built in latte cannon because sometimes that guy over there REALLY needs a cup of coffee or he's a USELESS Astrogator! ;)

I shouldn't be allowed in this thread, Like, at all.

That sniper shot has zero redeeming value as the increased difficulty makes the increased range which further increases the difficulty pretty much less then useful for ranged combat.

That's very patriotic, sir! I'd have to put them out of order if F&D was blue and I can't have that.

Rubbish. As an Egyptian I say they're perfect just as they are!

Fun gripe. True aim is too good.

Me pet peeve is that GM's miss/Minmaxers ignore the text description for the Heavy Repeating Blaster, especially the second paragraph. The Edge description was slightly vague, Age less so.

It's a weapon that comes in three heavy parts, a large Tripod, a large power pack and the gun itself.

It requires 2-3 personal to move.

It requires 3 actions to set up.

I look at the spines of the three core rulebooks together on my shelf, and I wonder if F&D should actually be an eggshell blue.

I noticed the other day looking at my shelf with the 3 cores next to each other that the F&D spine - with the perfect shade of yellow on black - looks like the beginning of an opening crawl for a SW movie.

I'm still trying to decide how to shelve all the crbs and sourcebooks to make them look the prettiest.

That sniper shot has zero redeeming value as the increased difficulty makes the increased range which further increases the difficulty pretty much less then useful for ranged combat.

It's an upgrade, not an increase. Medium range is normally PP difficulty. If you use sniper shot on a weapon with a max range of Short, a shot at Medium becomes RP. Not a big deal if you need it...

Me pet peeve is that GM's miss/Minmaxers ignore the text description for the Heavy Repeating Blaster, especially the second paragraph. The Edge description was slightly vague, Age less so.

It's a weapon that comes in three heavy parts, a large Tripod, a large power pack and the gun itself.

It requires 2-3 personal to move.

It requires 3 actions to set up.

I asked Sam Stewart about this, and he admitted that the 2-3 person description was fluff to describe the high cumbersome value on the HRB. With enough ranks in Burly, a heavy should be able to wield it by himself.

That sniper shot has zero redeeming value as the increased difficulty makes the increased range which further increases the difficulty pretty much less then useful for ranged combat.

It's an upgrade, not an increase. Medium range is normally PP difficulty. If you use sniper shot on a weapon with a max range of Short, a shot at Medium becomes RP. Not a big deal if you need it...

Aye, funnily enough I have had nothing but success with 2 ranks of sniper shot on my modified duelling pistol (a six shooter). Once an inquisitor was strolling away with the jewel of yavin after incapacitating Ezla and was at long range, causally strolling to his ship as he didn't expect a force sensitive to carry a particularly heavy ranged weapon. I took aim on 2R,1G and 1S check to 3Y1G1B and scored a hit, and antomany lessoned him. Following with the quip.

"Pass that jewel back to me, 'n' I'll let ya off with the one extra rear hole."

Needless to say, the inquisitor turned around, glared under his mask and nodded out of some begrudging respect, before quickening his pace and escaped on the ship (apparently that 1 shot had knocked off 2/3 of his health, and he was inprepared as I appeared completely unarmed aside from the lightsaber at the time.)

Sniper Shot is one of those talents that you probably don't really need if your in a campaign that doesn't flinch to carrying rifle sized weapons (long is usually enough for most possible threats, and at extreme your fairly unlikely to hit a major character anyways.), but since my character is a gunslinger in all but name, being able to reach out much further then expected can take both the nemesis and the GM completely by surprise!

I don't like the extra specialisation tax. I understand why I should pay to take a new spec, but as I have 4 at this point I find it patiently redicious that I would have to spend 60 exp to buy into a lightsaber tree. (Gadgetteer, Assassin, Force Emergent and Artisan. The extra rank of snipershot is armour based)

I don't like the extra specialisation tax. I understand why I should pay to take a new spec, but as I have 4 at this point I find it patiently redicious that I would have to spend 60 exp to buy into a lightsaber tree. (Gadgetteer, Assassin, Force Emergent and Artisan. The extra rank of snipershot is armour based)

I like the tax because then as a GM I can look super generous when I dispense with it :)

I look at the spines of the three core rulebooks together on my shelf, and I wonder if F&D should actually be an eggshell blue.

I noticed the other day looking at my shelf with the 3 cores next to each other that the F&D spine - with the perfect shade of yellow on black - looks like the beginning of an opening crawl for a SW movie.

I'm still trying to decide how to shelve all the crbs and sourcebooks to make them look the prettiest.

I go EotE, AoR then F&D. I follow them with Numenera and The Strange. My shelf is sexy.

Flipping destiny points shouldn't be like reaching over to the popcorn (or miniature reese's cup) bowl and grabbing a handful every time you stop taling, but they should certainly be used as often as possible to add tension and drama to a scene. As a player, you shouldn't be expecting to remove a setback dice in every action just because you have a talent.

I bet you wouldn't complain about your "Astonishing Leap" not having ten large crevices to hurtle over in a D&D Session... but you were glad you had it when you had to conquer the one that was in the party's path during the month long campaign. It allows for situational greatness to come into play. Not everyday greatness. As you get better and better (assuming you can remember all of them) you will become greater at more and more situational greatness which translates into part of your everyday greatness. Along with some upgrades to some characteristics and other things.

Forum Yoda, you are. Well said. *bows*

Me pet peeve is that GM's miss/Minmaxers ignore the text description for the Heavy Repeating Blaster, especially the second paragraph. The Edge description was slightly vague, Age less so.

It's a weapon that comes in three heavy parts, a large Tripod, a large power pack and the gun itself.

It requires 2-3 personal to move.

It requires 3 actions to set up.

I asked Sam Stewart about this, and he admitted that the 2-3 person description was fluff to describe the high cumbersome value on the HRB. With enough ranks in Burly, a heavy should be able to wield it by himself.

Well there you have it, I cant gripe about that any more.

I had interpreted it as the stat block was for the gun itself, the power pack still had to be carried by a second person. I had also misinterpreted that the cumbersome rating was AFTER it was set up on a tripod. So to use it off of a tripod gave it a cumbersome of 8 (I thought that the text suggests you need to be super human to shoot from the hip, and cumbersome 8 certainly is super).

Combined with the setup time none of my PC's had bothered to try getting one, although I have an encounter written where they can appropriate one for a short time!

So you can understand i never had major issues with autofire ;)

Fun gripe: cybernetics. I really dislike that they are characteristic boosters. It makes no sense to me. Strength is not a function of the power of one limb, if you tried to lift too big a weight the rest of your body would might even rip your own arm off. Intelligence is not solely a function of memory, it's pattern recognition and judgement. ETC.

I'd much prefer cybernetics simply acted as replacements, with conditional improvements, such as boost dice to skill checks, setback removal, or other Talent-equivalents where suitable.

I did think of something, and then somebody beat me to it, but I'll repeat it anyway because I'm notihing if not redundant.

Lack of pictures for some ships. I don't even need a full color shot, just a line drawing akin to what they do in the weapons section would be nice.

I think it'd bug me more if I couldn't Google pretty much anything Star Wars. YT-2400 deck plans? Check. Nal Hutta landscapes? Got it. Ewok thongs? Thankfully not.

Your Google fu is weak. Rule 34 provides certanty that it exists - go back & try again.

I did think of something, and then somebody beat me to it, but I'll repeat it anyway because I'm notihing if not redundant.

Lack of pictures for some ships. I don't even need a full color shot, just a line drawing akin to what they do in the weapons section would be nice.

I think it'd bug me more if I couldn't Google pretty much anything Star Wars. YT-2400 deck plans? Check. Nal Hutta landscapes? Got it. Ewok thongs? Thankfully not.

Your Google fu is weak. Rule 34 provides certanty that it exists - go back & try again.

If I'd actually looked it up and missed it? Probably. If I made an off-the-cuff joke? Irrelevant.

Sniper shot is not something I should use a pistol to hit a target at longer range then normal. Sniper means patiently waiting for long periods of time to line up a shot at extreme ranges that normal people would never hit. The talent evokes those mile long shots, but makes it essentially impossible to make said shots. Its great for plucking targets with a pistol at medium range, but the gripe is thats not sniping. Properly done a sniper shot would be a maneuver that reduces the difficulty of a long or extreme range shot by 1 per rank while adding 1 slow fire quality per rank in sniper shot. Meaning you have an easier time hitting at long range in exchange for firing much slower.

Edited by Decorus

I wish the Social interaction chart was a bit more flexible. I don't think self Discipline helps you know someone is using Deception. It should be Perception of their tells or Knowledge of the facts in question.

I wish the Social interaction chart was a bit more flexible. I don't think self Discipline helps you know someone is using Deception. It should be Perception of their tells or Knowledge of the facts in question.

I think all three can fit. Good house-rule idea, thanks. Yoinked!

I wish the Social interaction chart was a bit more flexible. I don't think self Discipline helps you know someone is using Deception. It should be Perception of their tells or Knowledge of the facts in question.

I think all three can fit. Good house-rule idea, thanks. Yoinked!

You're welcome. :)

It's the double-edged sword of a handy chart. it pairs things up nicely, and is an easy reference.

But it's too easy to get trapped or locked into that setup.

I wish the Social interaction chart was a bit more flexible. I don't think self Discipline helps you know someone is using Deception. It should be Perception of their tells or Knowledge of the facts in question.

Or you could use deception to spot the deception. Because you can't bulls**t a bulls**tter.