It's like a shonen manga or a Saturday morning cartoon for kiddies. No lessons ever learned, not character development, nothing.
Yes! That's a perfect summary, I guess.
I learned plenty of lesson from shonen manga!
(well the anime aniway) here are twelve of them :
- Don't slap vegeta's wife.
- Even if you are the god of destruction, and you have just one-shotted supersayian lvl 4 Goku with one finger, don't slap Bulma! Vegeta no like dat.
- If your name is Toriko you can eat king kong sized monsters without indigestion.
- OCD is serious buisness even (especially!) if you are the son of the grim reaper.
- Death scythes are cool. I wanna be a death scythe.
- If you are a damphir it is possible to "talk to hand!"
- Mio chan from Needless is awesome! Mio-chan punch is best attack ever!
- Cooking master boy Mao is yu-gi-oh, but with cooking. Dafuq?
- Ore no twintail ni narimasu is the best genderswapping/fighting series since Ranma 1/2.
- Don't mess with a policewoman, especially if she's a vampire and carries an anti-tank rifle.
- Don't look Lelouch in the eye.
- Dr. Slump is one of the weirdest and funniest anime I've seen in a while.