Suggestions for Rogue Trader Expansions & Additional Details

By Alluvian Est-Endrati, in Rogue Trader

While the core book for Rogue Trader is rather nice as a standalone product, it does make me look forward to additional products for this line. As such I thought it would be worthwhile to start a thread where folk can list content that they would like to see included in future books & expansions. Naturally I will start with some of my own suggestions, though I suspect some of these may be rather obvious ones.

More Ships!: The core rules for ships in Rogue Trader are a good start, but I felt this particular area was slightly lacking. While no one book can have everything I would like to see the number of ship types & hull classifications expanded in future supplements. Ideally I would like to see a supplement that focuses entirely on ships, ship components and so forth; not just Imperial ships of course but also a wide assortment of Xenos vessels as well. In specific I would like to see official rules to cover more Capital Ship types (Light Cruisers, Cruisers, Battle Cruisers, Grand Cruisers & Battleships of course) as well as some of the smaller ship types including landers & personnel/vehicular transports.

Planetary Tithes & Governance: I think Rogue Trader could benefit from an official set of rules to explain & manage the various forms of Tithe required by the Imperium. An entry and explanation (and mechanics) likely need to exist for everything from Solutio Tertius to Exactis Extremis and how these levels of tithe may affect the population, profit factors, trade, etc. Likewise as Rogue Traders can essentially colonize & conquer planets in the name of Him on Terra, some rules also need to exist IMO to handle the management of a planet more directly.

I would like more baddies and baddie groups. Also maybe some rival rogue trader families of different power levels and backgrounds would be fun. Oh and more ships and ship options too! gui%C3%B1o.gif

Im still kind of caught up trying to absorb the first rulebook. I really couldn't tell just yet what else I'd like to see for Rogue Trader, so I'll have to get back to you on that one.

Id like to see more ship options. and of course more ships. Possibly he ability to aquire a space station? (ramelies class starfort anyone?) Also i was kinda miffed that there is an ork ship but no kroot warsphere or eldar ships so i would like to see those.

I am currently thinking about making house rules for further archerotech components such as weapons etc.

More career options for the various careers, much as was done for the Inquisitor's handbook. They were a added delight for DH, as I found those careers to be pretty vibrant and exciting even in the Core Rulebook. A couple of the new careers suffer from the bland flavour of generalized awsomeness (the archmilitant springs to mind. He's really good at combat...So what? Doesn't really do anything for me). I'm not criticizing the new careers, I'm just saying an Explorer's Handbook could offer more specialized skill trees for less generalized Explorers.

Perhaps A career path for an arch-militant could be "Disgraced Commisar" with all kinds of skills relating to that specialty. Maybe he could be a "Heathen Warlord," or "Warrior Monk of the Clan on and so forth...

Aside from the Astropath and the Navigator, a few of the new careers are a bit general for my tastes.

And space ships, or course...Space ships are awesome...

And for the love of the emperor. Either put the vechicle rules in a book or post them on the main site!!!!!

A Koronus Expanse source book would be nice.

Yes on more ships.

Yes on more Xenos, Heretics, and Deamons.

I'd like some rules on letting the players design Endevours they want to run that helps the GM then add challenges and surprises. I could see a Rogue Trader and his senior staff deciding what kind of Endevours they want to pursue, then go out looking for something that matches their desires.

A big fat book of linked adventures would be nice. Detailed enough to be run as is, with plenty of hooks to be adapted by GMs to their campaign.

Rules on what Navigator route maps do, and what happens when the players travel the warp without one.

I wouldn't really want too much detail about the expanse. A smattering of worlds, here and there is all I need. If too much of the setting is nailed down, it may loose that wonderful "here be dragons" feel that it has right now. A sourcebook on the worlds of the Calixis sector would be nice, and a set of plot-hooks for the expanse. Too much published cannon can be a bad thing, especially in a game about exploring the unknown.

Nullius said:

I wouldn't really want too much detail about the expanse. A smattering of worlds, here and there is all I need. If too much of the setting is nailed down, it may loose that wonderful "here be dragons" feel that it has right now. A sourcebook on the worlds of the Calixis sector would be nice, and a set of plot-hooks for the expanse. Too much published cannon can be a bad thing, especially in a game about exploring the unknown.


Torpedo Rules.

Nova Cannon Rules

Official Rogue Star Novel Ships.

I want to land my Leviathan class command vehicle on a planet and crush the local natives under its tracks as my company of Astartes scouts ahead and the Penal regiments follow up.

ergo I need rules and stats for the following-

Landing craft and starfighters

Land (and water) vehicles

Land & Naval battle rules

Stats for PDF, Guard, Astartes and Xenos forces.

are there rules for mass combat? e.g. 100'000 people vs 100'000 xenos?

I'd like to see deckplans!

At least from a basic frigate.

vogue69 said:

are there rules for mass combat? e.g. 100'000 people vs 100'000 xenos?

Yes, Epic 40K :)

vogue69 said:

are there rules for mass combat? e.g. 100'000 people vs 100'000 xenos?

Whoever uses orbital bombardment on the other side first will win.

i still wait for my book to be send but whit the info i have so far and what can be fun to have.....

more ship, enemys, gears (both ship and individuals) psy power, class, elite class

shuttle, space fighters, outpost creation (suppose to be in gm screen) but whit more option, comercial situation of the sector (imports exports demands)if not include, space chart travel giving estimated time of travel between planet (if not include) same for callixis sector (both game are suppose to can be play together, price chart for passenger travel and accomadation, repair, docking fee,

crew experiance table,

naval force control tactics and procedure (to know how to avoid it or to place player in face of a control) event (more) that can appends in warp travel, or comming from xeno infestation.

more rules (or rules) for disease after contact on a new planet

xeno ruins rules (or ancient imperial lost colonie)

more inplants

rules about colonisation, taxes, espenses, population services,........(more option if those already exist)

codex book on xeno race (eldar, dark eldar, orcs, tyranides, necron, tau)

book on pirates, smuggler

rules for salvaging wreck ship, station, planetary ruins

a monster manual whit more of only 47 creatures (1 per page and neer 200 pages) whit some page for creation and new rules

bio-hazard (rad, mutation agent, gaz, poison, grav instability,...) rules

a real crafting system whit effect of materials used in process (bonus and malus for att, dom, wgt,price, availlability, legality)

that represent more of one book but if you ask me what i like to see in the future of RT that what i hope for