Funniest things you've seen at a tournament

By JTakaS4, in UFS General Discussion

Omar throwing the coin block at Scubadude at MWCC.

Drinking with Atlanta at Origins and GenCon.

too many to list really, some highlights are:

At worlds 08 ben got anti k'd by hata in finals and yelled out OH **** IT'S THE COPS, and everyone starts dying laughing and hata just lays his head down on the table laughing and is like wtf?

any game me and ivey have played in a tournament. at worlds 08 our first game took 45ish minutes and it's her chaos lien vs my evil ukyo. WTF!!! also at nats 09 we only finish one game, jeebus...what is it with us? it's the craziest ****.

my fav lol moment for me is using collecting data against noel in teams to add all of his d blades to his momentum in his hata deck in teams 09. but i couldn't get a kill off on him and he had already won game one, so i was ****** lol. it was hilarious. noel just played grey cards and loled at my hilde :(

the funniest ever for me though is when in legacy worlds against goo's water alba deck. he had like 30 foundations out, 4x awakening, 4x battle disc etc so i couldn't win with him having that type of board with my ibuki deck. So i played a start over he kft'ed it. i play another start over, he kft's it. i then play an infiltrating and he just goes berserk and says STEVE HORVATH GET OVER HERE NOW AND BAN THIS *****. god i love my legacy ibuki deck :) 8 staging area fappers, gotta love it.

At the regionals in Lubock this year a guy kept bothing people trying to make a trade, so one of them told him if he didn't shut up he was going to slap him. Well, the guy didn't sut up and got slaped, after which he acted like he was going to hit the guy back, but instead he called the cops and told them that he had been physicaly assaulted.