Funniest things you've seen at a tournament

By JTakaS4, in UFS General Discussion

This was a tournament about 2-3 years ago i think. i just know it was around set 2 release.

my friend was testing out a dahlsim deck vs this guy vince who was using cassie (the banned one)

my friend played overwhelming strength. vince groans. my friend plays a 2nd overwhelming strength. vince takes his own deck and throws it at a wall.

oh yah my friend failed the 2nd check on the overwhelming strength. Vince got mad before the check lol


Canats 09

I'd just traded my feline spikes and Ispin to andrew from Oshawa and was testing his now WTFBBQ Chun-Li deck against my block 4 Tira deck. 3 games in a row he used my former Ispins on my second turn with Chun-Li's ability. 2 of those 3 games I Minuetdanced him to death on the following turn with the momentum he'd given me.

ECC 2008

Omar's reaction to me pulling a FTK with my dragqueen Felicia deck. To quote him: What madness is this?!

Canats 07

Our store owner Fred yelling a powerful ''TABARNAK'' after failing his first check with his Abyss deck.

Anytime and all the time


Target X said:

Canats 07

Our store owner Fred yelling a powerful ''TABARNAK'' after failing his first check with his Abyss deck.

Was after drawing a crap hand against Kin, IIRC.

He still won that match IIRC.

must agree with the Chubbs comment. Infact all of team tapout usually brings quite a bit of excitement wherever they go.

Baranor said:



a couple of weeks ago I was playing White Crane in a weekly tourny, got in top 4, had to play my brother's nightmare deck, game 1 he blows my staging area away (I hit the wrong card with a destroyed regretful existance) then kills me, second game got rid of the right card and kill him. game 3, he hits me and fails the check for a kill, leaving me at 1, he is at 13, I form with master's challange, then with a warrior poet, form with white crane, tossing the 3 face down cards, hit him down to 4, (after nearly killing myself by almost calling Drossle's burn both players for 2 if the attack deals damage "Ill enhance with... actually that would be a bad thing..." ) commit out to play the last attack in my hand, close throw, enhance with regretful existance, enhancing with drossel's first E then forgetting the speed pump, brother needs a 10 to block with a character, passes (would have still passed even if I had remembered the +2 speed from drossel.) we pause a moment, "ok you take 3, putting you at 1 and I'm at 1... drossel hits us both for 2........." a double KO in game 3.

and then there was a beep and a little message with "This Just Got Real (20)" appeared.

Local Tournaments

players singing Don't Stop believeing by Journey as it randomly starts playing on my computer. LOL.

A player rage quieting after losing to a FTK in Block 1.

couple weeks ago i was playing with my hometown play group. I was playing a nightmare deck against a new Jin deck. I go for the kill, check a 2 on the last card I needed, leaving my oponent with 1 health. He goes, knowing he has to kill me this turn or i'll wipe him out the next, throws everything at me, I'm left with 1 health. We are both at 1 health, it takes me 4 turns to draw my next attack, my oponent never draws one again, I end up winning.

'09 Worlds Teams Event

My Team (Jank V 2.0) losing every game. the funniest part was playing UFS house round one and not even realizing who I was playing until after they won the tournament. Also, my team mate was playing Felicia and failed every spike he tried to play the entire tourny by one every time. Myself,I was playing Terry Neo Rave Madness and had to Tag along every game to get one because I could not draw them at all.

'09 Singles

Korey MFH and the guy playing Bishamon 101

30 seconds left in the round and they are still in game one. bishmon picks up his deck before the victory AND before time is called, knowing he had the win. Korey calls a judge. Korey wins the round. GOOD TIMES GOOD TIMES.

2009 Singles Finals:

When Dut threw out 2 collecting datas in order to get one through, and hit all 4 of Pauls Fury of the Ancients. That was one of the best moments ever!!!

makes that semi finals gran_risa.gif

NoobFighterFTW said:

'09 Singles

Korey MFH and the guy playing Bishamon 101

30 seconds left in the round and they are still in game one. bishmon picks up his deck before the victory AND before time is called, knowing he had the win. Korey calls a judge. Korey wins the round. GOOD TIMES GOOD TIMES.

actually over 3 min left he kept claiming it was 30 sec

Was at 2008 Nationals. Got a booster box and opened it up, and it had a US Airbase. A friend REALLY wanted one, and said he's get me another box if I gave it to him. We made the trade and he went off to play...something, I forget what. I opened it up and the first booster was...another US Air Base. I shouted his name and held it up. I then got to watch him mouth off a few obsenities. :D

There was also the time someone threw their deck at me, but that was funnier more in recollection then when it happened.

My friend Adam Fichthorn accidentally registering himself in the 11-14 age division instead of 15+ at a Pokemon City Championships, causing the whole first round to be re-paired.

Deck dont matter said:

Local Tournaments

players singing Don't Stop believeing by Journey as it randomly starts playing on my computer. LOL.

A player rage quieting after losing to a FTK in Block 1.

I cantz helps it, I love me some Journey. It is the only band I will Karoke to.

My friend hacking me with a BRT, and Giving me a Feline Spike. Twice in the same game

its kind of hard to say... too much things...

But, the constant whining about soul calibur cards being broken over the other liscences?

Seeing Scuba in person.

'Nuff said.

Recently enough I was playing Ragnar Vs Dut's Nina Williams, towards the end of each game Dut would form, look and filter my deck throwing away the best card only to make the last card I drew the throw that killed him

Too many to pick a 'funniest' moment, but I can remember a couple of my favorites...

*TripsEX reenacting Failed2K's Kirby story with Link (they'll have to get on here and explain those, they'd do a better job of it)


*MWCC when Omar bought a plush coinblock that made noise when you hit it. People were playing with it between rounds and as Scuba walked by, Omar chucked it at him, hitting him in the back of the head, and promptly fell to the ground laughing as the coinblock made the +1 Life noise.

At SAS II Alex Marco (Generalreaction89) was talking J.Post (awaken)'s ear off. So J. then proceedes to pick up a tube of 4 uncut sheets and use it like a baseball bat to hit Marco in the head. Then the room went quit, as J. looked around he said "I know everyone was thinking about doing it." then the room burst into laughter. And Marco was quite... for a while. But it was fun good times for all.

At the SAS Hilde's weapon (usually called Jimmy Kimmel) was hereby christined the HEIMAN BUSTA! As such, whenever someone would one, they would yell HEIMAN BUSTA! To which we'd all either respond with a great yell of HEIMAN BUSTA! or RING OUT!

B-Rad said:

At the SAS Hilde's weapon (usually called Jimmy Kimmel) was hereby christined the HEIMAN BUSTA! As such, whenever someone would one, they would yell HEIMAN BUSTA! To which we'd all either respond with a great yell of HEIMAN BUSTA! or RING OUT!

Are you referring to "hymen"?

ROTBI said:

B-Rad said:

At the SAS Hilde's weapon (usually called Jimmy Kimmel) was hereby christined the HEIMAN BUSTA! As such, whenever someone would one, they would yell HEIMAN BUSTA! To which we'd all either respond with a great yell of HEIMAN BUSTA! or RING OUT!

Are you referring to "hymen"?

It would make sense, we started referring to it as one of three things.

-Dildo Blender
-German Dildo
-German Blender

Yes, that was from the DVDVR boards, that first one.