Your Favourite Deck that you ever Built!

By Theo7, in UFS General Discussion

Earth Yun seong and any Alba deck I ever had.

My current Yi Shan** deck. Not a day goes by that I don't tinker with it. My first deck ( Maxi** off Good ) is a close second. I loved Strike Heads when I used it for over a year in that deck, but I know it's broken as all hell. (4/3 3M5 +2M; Reversal, Throw??? Nuts.)

I never build decks I like.

Good Yoshitora

Reason: Disrupted the metagame as it was. It was an auto-win against any character with an enhance, and still posed a decent threat to those that weren't. Abused the concept of playing 2 reversals on the opponent's turn instead of 1, and then clogging their pool with 4 cards and usually committing their character.

Honerable mention goes to Bitter Rivals **Mai**. Never lost a match =/

Homme Chapeau said:

I never build decks I like.

Haha, that cracked me up. That also explains your sunny disposition. happy.gif

My 3rd Place Worlds 2007 Yun-Seong deck.

Favorite. Deck. Evar.

I miss this deck.

Characters: 4
1x 6/6 Rare Yun-Seong (air/chaos/order)+0M
3x 6/6 UniFighter (infinity) +0M

Assets: 4
4x 1/6 Rare Card (air/chaos) +1M

Actions: 8
4x 2/3 Hop (air/chaos) +1M
4x 3/5 Power Up (air/chaos) +3M

Attacks: 17

4x 5/3 3M5 Chain Throw (air) – [s:2]
4x 6/2 3M5 Criminal Uppercut (air) – [M:3]
4x 7/3 3H9 Shadow Banishment (air)
3x X/3 XMX Jaguar Revolver (air/chaos)
2x 6/2 5H10 Bird of Prey (air/order) – [P:2]

Foundations: 28
4x 1/5 Envy (air/chaos) +3H
4x 1/5 Whereabouts Unknown (air/chaos) +2L – [b:2]
4x 2/5 Green (air/chaos)
4x 2/5 Leave at Dawn (air/chaos)
4x 2/5 M.I.A. (air/chaos)
4x 2/5 Unorthodox Style (chaos)
4x 3/5 Whimsy (air/chaos) +3H

Sideboard: 8
4x 0/4 Pure of Heart (air) +1M
3x 3/4 Steel’s Bane (order) +3M
1x 6/2 5H10 Bird of Prey (air) – [P:2]

my nats/worlds 08 ukyo deck is my favorite deck ever. such a sexy party. i love that blue haired ******.

My "Gambling Remy"

12 Attacks (mulligan if you dont get atleast 2) including Hurricane Punishment

4 Malicious Intent

43 6-Check foundations off of All

Basically, I go second, form with remy to commit what staging area you have, and unleash the fury of hell on turn 1, assuming luck is on my side. I have to have a pair in my hand for the first part to work, so it may be a little hard, but if that pair is a couple Hurricane Punishments, you're gonna hurt.