Simple Question realy! Out of all the decks you have built over your time of playing UFS what was your favourite and why?
It doesnt have to have been one that won anything and by no means does it need to be you best deck that you ever built!
Il start us off!
My Favourite deck i ever built was my :Sophitia: I still miss this deck alot!
Sophitia was always my second favourite chacter on Soul Calibur 3 and one of my friends in the meta had already tried this Sophitia off of life and decided to dissasemble it in place of Yeong Seong (thats not how its spelt is it...?) I always loved the ability and saw how fantastic the deck could be with Whereabouts Unknown so i built her off of Order.
Admitedly I wasnt sure what I was doing at first and it started off as a throw/large attack deck that could mill if needed but then of course the descovery of Armoured Defence changed that alot. And low and behold Sophitia 1 shot kill, you have no hand was born!
I took her to UK Nationals 2008 and came 39th out of just over 100 people which i thought wasnt too bad for my first major tournament.
I then had to edit the deck a bit to handle the rotation but with the re-release of Widow Maker and Armoured defence that wasnt too much of a problem I only realy had to change my kill from Sophitia's Guardian Judgement to Go Shoryuken. Added in Dark Heart and Military Rank for recursion of my kill (Dark heart was great with sophitias ability, you just happen to *forget* to play armoured defence play a widow maker discard heir hand, let it hit they try to draw and.... Responce you dont fdraw anything and i get X amount of attacks back from my discard pile!)
ahhhhh Good times Good times.
Took Sophitia to UK Team Nationals 2008 afterwards and helped my Team (Dan-Nemesis playing Ibuki and Joe-Viewtiful_Joe playing surprise surprise Donovan) come Second which was great because it got me alot of the Soul calibur promo foundations that i hadnt been ablt to get hold of untill then!
There we go i have rambled enough! Now lets cheer these forums up and remenise together!
the floor is all yours!