Sorry Pac Man, it is not an issue with the system, it is an issue with your players. If they don't want to play this game, then why are they? "I win the game and every game" sounds a little too immature for a player for me. It is great that you want to game with your daughter, but is seems like she could care less. I don't know. But that is not a valid gripe about this system.
1) I never said there was an issue with the system. Nearly all my comments on the system ever have been quite to the contrary.
2) My daughter is 9.
3) I was exaggerating in my example of her suggestion (hence the word "tantamount").
Edit: clarity.
That is awesome your daughter likes SW and gaming! What a great way to bond. Sadly, when my daughter was 9, I played WoD and there was no way I was going to run that for her!