Now I got a scenario the might be an interesting twist...
Player one shoots at player two with the goal of player 2 redirecting the shot around the corner at targets they cannot see...How would you do that?
Well, I mean, Player 2 technically has to be able to see, or it's just pure luck at that point...
Maybe a ranged shot by Player 1, and they need 3 Advantage/1 Triumph for each shot they fire, and Player 2 needs to spend the Strain, but doesn't take any of the damage? Difficulty upgraded once, maybe twice, since Player 1 is obviously firing at a fellow player. I would say Player 2 doesn't need to worry about damage from the attack since in this case, Player 2 is anticipating the attack and Player 1 is probably aiming directly for where Player 2 has their lightsaber(s). Unless a Despair/ton of Threat gets rolled that is.
It sort of seems possibly broken, but I figure that the 3 Advantage/1 Triumph that could be instead spent on criticals, and the generally harder difficulty that might directly lead to injuring Player 2 who also has to burn Strain to do this, sort of balances it. But I guess you could also require a Destiny Point if you feel it needs more.