I have to say - I like it. the more I read, the more I like. In fact, I am amazed at how much detail got stuffed into the rule book. VERY quality product, very much worth the wait.
i'm already pondering what to do with the sector background and the type of campaign I want to try to run. I think perhaps this will take me some time to put together, since this game has such a wide scope to it. with such amazing levels of game play and campaign styles to choose from, it behooves me to put some level of planning into my possible campaign. One thing that immedately struck me was the addition of the navigator and the astropath classes. Those will port very well over to Dark Heresy if/when I decide to try mixing and matching game systems. However, RT is wonderful for the details of the ships and warp travel alone. well done, whomever wrote those sections!
I can't wait to test out ship creation and combat. My cold reading of the rules indicates that I think the system should work very well indeed. I do hope that at some point we'll see more details and background concerning the sector and/or some world creation rules and/or ideas. I plan on outright stealing ideas and societies from traveller and some old Star*drive books i've got lying around, oh and some really old star frontiers stuff will be getting a RT rewrite...but some offical word on spooky weird ships, legends and treasures of the Rogue Trader lifestyle would be a good start to the list of suppliments.
Anyways, great work one and all. Keep up the quality production values guys!