Couple of newbie questions

By Sophiearcher, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

You measure line of sight from the yellow dot to yellow dot, is this also true for the range bands or do you measure closest point to closest point for clsoe medium/long range on the ruler?

and my Second question is Can you use 2 different commands in one turn? For example use a concentrate fire dial and a repair token?

Yes, you can use all 4 commands in one turn if you can legally do so.

Imagine a Victory Star Destroyer with a banked repair, navigate, and squadron token. He reveals a Concentrate Fire command dial. Before shooting, he decides to resolve his repair and squadron tokens, then he fires and uses the CF dial, and uses the navigate token during his move.

You can also combine a token and a dial which counts as one execution of that command. Combining a CF token and dial allows you to add 1 dice color that's already in the dice pool and reroll one die. Combining a Repair token and dial gets you more engineering points. Combining a Squadron token and dial allows you to move your full squadron value + 1 squadron. Combining a Navigate token and dial allows you to go up/down 2 speed values (ie, 0 to 2) plus allows you to increase the yaw rate of one joint by 1.

Check out the RRG, page 3-4, COMMANDS and the FAQ pages 1-2.

For attacks, you measure LOS with yellow dot to yellow dot. LOS is valid as long as it does not pass through a different hull zone of the defender. It is valid even if it passes through a different hull zone on the attacker. Check out the RRG, MEASURING FIRING ARC AND RANGE and LINE OF SIGHT page 7, as well as the FAQ pages 1-2.

For attacks to be valid, you must have 3 things:

1. Valid LOS. Yellow dot to yellow dot.

2. Target hull zone is in arc. This is where you extend the arc of the firing hull zone. It is possible for a target hull zone to be in LOS, but not in arc. Just think of it as the gunners of the attacking hull zone can see the enemy's defending hull zone from their viewports but they can't traverse the guns far enough to shoot it.

3. Range. It's useless having an enemy in LOS and in arc but at long range if your ships can only fire with blue dice.

Thank you Very much for the help! been watching bat reps to learn untill my stuff arrives, Very much looking forward to actuly playing ;3

Don't sweat it. You'll make loads more mistakes before everything clicks in and falls into place. Then something else happens and shows you more mistakes.... :D

Range, it should be noted, is measured from the closest point of the cardboard token of the attacking ship inside the firing hull zone's arc TO the closest point of the cardboard token inside the defending hull zone ( represented by the defending ship's firing arc).

Think of each hull zone on a ship as a completely different entity, and it helps.

And the plastic base/shield dials don't exist for the purpose of any rules OTHER than overlapping, for obvious reasons.