My trades updated

By blades0fbl00d, in UFS Trading

My Refs are Currently 4/0 ( Whenever the thing gets updated.)

Any offers please email me at [email protected] . Please put UFS as the subject. I perfer to follow the Ref system, but I do not mind simul-sending with somebody of higher refs. What I have posted here is usualy what I'm looking for, but I will look at list so don't feel hesitant to ask.


Together Again x4

Toughest in the Universe x2

Hammer of the Gods x4

Turn Thruster x3

The Ultimate Team x3

Glanzende Nova and Frischer Himmel x2



Shadowar Mat x2

Life Patch x1

Water Patch x1

Void Patch x1

Kisheri x1

White Crane x2

Marious Gauis x5

Heihachi Mishima x1

Steve Fox x1

Perfect Memory x1

Tower of Souls x4

White Crane x2

Brian Fury x1

Starter Exclusive

Reaver's Axe x1

Ultra Rare

Crane Strike x1

Striking Thunder x2

Hades x1

Hades Destroyer x1

Wrath of Heaven x2

Dragon's Flame x4

Sigfried's Earth Divide x1

Acheron & Nirvana x1

Soul Edge x1

Wanderin Dragon Staff x2

Lightning Horn x1

Monstary of Mt. Lao x1

Sailor's Rest x1

Soul Calibur* x1

Kulutues* x1

Shockwave Palm x1


Dragon Lifter x4

Firece Twin SLash x2

Knows her Objective x3

Crawling Stance x3

Steel Slicer x3

Jyurkuda x2

Hall of the Warrior God x1

Boxing is Life x5

Eiserene Drossel x3

One With The Rythem x1

Bloodied but Unbowed x1

Ostrheinburg Castle - Twilight x2

Siren's Call x4

Overconfidence x2

Ready to Launch x4

Armor of the Forsaken One x1

Endless Years of Preactice x2

Intolerant of Failure x1

Atoning for His Wicked Deeds x2

Mesmerizing Dance x4

Determined to Be the Best x5

Calming the Mind x1

Covenant Elder x1

Temporary Being x1

Unstoppable Warrior x1

Hammer Uppercut x1

Peaceful Path Hold x2

One-Handed Crocodile Grasp x1

Tower of Rememberance - Sprial of Time x2

Tower of Rememberance - Degredation x1

Kunpaetku Shrine - Dream Remnants x1

Anger Towards a God x2

Artificial Soul x1

Flowing Strikes x2

Rolling Sobat x2

Knee Thruster x1

Immovable Object x2

No Mercy x1

No Forgiveness x2

Aura of Strength x1

Pillage x2





I need your two Glanzende Nova and Frischer Himmels. Willing to trade for stuff you don't need?

I really need your Playful Slices.

All I really have from your wants is Dragon Lifter but you can check my list for other stuff.