my campaign is EotE-based but I waited until F&D was released to see if it was covered. I have a recurring bad guy that is a force emergent (or close approximation). He doesn't use a LS but is pretty much an insane demolitionist bent on ruining and his family's business and bloodline. He was killed due to a blaster blast to the face in a character's (his brother) back story but, due to GM mental mistake, I had him come back. I gave him "absorb energy" made famous Corran Horn to explain his return, though badly scarred.
Now, digesting the F&D and I didn't see it covered so I kind of made it "roll force, generate ds pips, add to soak but only to energy." If I overlooked it, let me know. Now, the closest creation was a talent tree of Reflect and Parry.
Any advise to make this a decent but not overpowering for my group to overcome?