Armada Night Buffalo NY

By F0RGED, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

Yes, there are almost always at least 3 of us every Friday from 5pm to .... 9:30ish at Two King Gaming in the Eastern Hills Mall. Please join us, I should be there this Friday.

Hello all, a buddy and I just bought the core set and some additional expansions and are looking for more people to play with. Are any groups that meet weekly to play still?

We would love to get together with you guys. We are planning a tourney at 2k in the near future. I can be up there at 2:30 this Fri if you want to battle.

Thank for the replies guys! I am sorry for the late response..forgot I posted it hehe. We should be able to make it this Friday 23rd around 5pm if anyone else is going to be around?

I'll be there and I'm sure at least 2 others will be there too. See you there!

Hey there! Is this a pretty consistent gathering? If I get into the game I would love to find a consistent place to play. I have every other Friday night off but I would probably only be able to head out to Buffalo maybe once a month. I'm fairly certain that my wife would not take to kindly to spending every Friday night I get off from work gaming. But half I may be able to swing....