Armada Night Buffalo NY

By F0RGED, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

We will be playing Armada at Two Kings Gaming in Williamsville, New York on Friday nights for anyone who wants to join. Two Kings is open till 11pm and has more than enough space for anyone who wants to come play even with FNM going on.


I should be able to make the next session, on Sept 4 (Star Wars Toy Day!). Let us know how it goes and if there is enough room with the magic players they get on fridays (~50)

There will always be enough room, even with FNM. There are tables in the back that we can use and spares can be set up if we get more people than we have battlefields available.


Any news on which stores in our area will be running the Sullust event? I messeged 2Kings, Dave and Adams, and Collector Inn. 2Kings said they will look into it. Its probably a good idea for others to also ask these stores, so they know there is interest.

Also dragon snack, try that one.

Any yes there are 5 dedicated tables to table top gaming even with 90+ people taking up the FNM area. So yes alot of space.

Edited by F0RGED

AWsome, we will be at Dragon snack!

Also, the shop does not have to run it that weekend. @ kings could wait 1 or 2 weeks. Let them know that.

Also, the shop does not have to run it that weekend. @ kings could wait 1 or 2 weeks. Let them know that.

Really? FFG isn't asking them to run it over the schedule Oct 2-4 period?

No I am just saying that FFG is not going to hold them to it by any means. It won't effect anything, the shop buys the kit, FFG won't "look" at when the tourney is, they got their money and won't care if its a week or 2 later.

I stopped by Two Kings today and they said they werent planning on running the Sullust event. Any other places besides Dragon Snacks that are planning on running the event?

I stopped by Two Kings today and they said they werent planning on running the Sullust event. Any other places besides Dragon Snacks that are planning on running the event?

None that I know of. The owner of Two Kings is being a bit of a pain about it since we don't get many people in normally and he doesn't think he can get enough people to make it worthwhile no matter how much persuading us regulars have tried. We have a two options: Start playing there so he will actually support the product or just go elsewhere.

Id like to play sometime next week, to test out some builds. 2Kings said Monday was there Armada/Xwing night but no Armada players have been showing up. There was 1 Xwing game going on last night when I was there around 7.

Monday is "officially" Armada night but there have never been people playing due to scheduling issues. A larger group talked about playing on Tuesdays but haven't been back. A few of us play there on Friday evenings.

Monday is "officially" Armada night but there have never been people playing due to scheduling issues. A larger group talked about playing on Tuesdays but haven't been back. A few of us play there on Friday evenings.

Will you be there this Fri and what time? I may be able to make it.

I should be. I usually arrive somewhere between 5 and 6.

As of right now I should be there too, but probably earlier, ~4:30

We will see you there. Just be patient since I have to come straight from work.

We will see you there. Just be patient since I have to come straight from work.

Do you know if others are planning on coming, and what point for builds? See you there.

I will be there this Friday as well around 5pm we are currently fine tuning 300pt games in preperation for the event.

Hello all, a buddy and I just bought the core set and some additional expansions and are looking for more people to play with. Are any groups that meet weekly to play still?

Yes, there are almost always at least 3 of us every Friday from 5pm to .... 9:30ish at Two King Gaming in the Eastern Hills Mall. Please join us, I should be there this Friday.

Hello all, a buddy and I just bought the core set and some additional expansions and are looking for more people to play with. Are any groups that meet weekly to play still?

We would love to get together with you guys. We are planning a tourney at 2k in the near future. I can be up there at 2:30 this Fri if you want to battle.

Yes, there are almost always at least 3 of us every Friday from 5pm to .... 9:30ish at Two King Gaming in the Eastern Hills Mall. Please join us, I should be there this Friday.

Hello all, a buddy and I just bought the core set and some additional expansions and are looking for more people to play with. Are any groups that meet weekly to play still?

We would love to get together with you guys. We are planning a tourney at 2k in the near future. I can be up there at 2:30 this Fri if you want to battle.

Thank for the replies guys! I am sorry for the late response..forgot I posted it hehe. We should be able to make it this Friday 23rd around 5pm if anyone else is going to be around?