I'm part of a joint GM Rogue trader group and I want to make sure I'm not bias with the situation. The situation being
a player has established a large assassin/intel organisation on a planet in the koronus hive world. The organisation is set in multiple cells so that the group can't be destroyed if one cell is uncovered. The group is hired through dead drops that constantly change. At each dead drop is a data terminal rigged to blow if tampered with and monitored 24/7 to ensure its not being corrupted. The group is a zealous to the organisation and warded against psychic interrogation. The leader is known to use doubles and has been established for over 20 years entrenching and developing contacts. everything the organisation owns is owned by shell companies and money is run through multiple accounts.
The question I have is how would another assassin/intle organisation destroy the established one when getting information about the first is dam hard?
Thanks for your thoughts.