I think we would all agree that Ships could use their own supplement chock full of new hulls, components, optional rules and pregenerated NPC baddies.
I'm not that disappointed about that, as I figured that would happen. I've already posted Fighters and Bombers in the "House Rules" section. Feel free to use/abuse them as a basis for your own house rules. They're mostly extrapolated from BFG and other GW sources.
As for other ship hull types, the way the RT rules are set up it looks incredibly easy to come up with a good approximation based on the BFG versions and/or the size/shape of the miniatures if you're looking at say, a Thunderbolt or Galaxy Troop Ship which isn't in BFG.
The rules aren't perfect by any means, but I never expected them to be. I'm pretty happy with the lack of House Rules I'm going to have to type up.