So, I finally read through Rogue Trader, and as a GM I was a little disappointed.
The reason was a lack of detail- both in the ships and the Korunos Expanse. Reading through it, nothing particularly new and exciting grabbed me.
The Ships were a fairly light and limited selection of BFG's classic (only 8 different types of ships! ) and while there is a lot of choice for customisation some bizarre design decisions were made. The starship rules were clearly cribbed from BFG concepts, but the fact that the only weapons you can have are Lances or Batteries is limitiing. But giving every ship a Turret rating whih defends against incoming ordinance, but saying rules for torpedoes or bombers will be in a future supplement and you cant have them on your ship is a very odd omission. Why bother with anti-ordinance if you cant have ordinance? Especially since submarine tactics like Silent running are discussed and given crunch, yet they wont give you the weapons of a sub to do the job?
The Korunos Expanse was also a little ho-hum. In part because there doesnt appear to be any central mystery or theme holding it together. The Calixis Sector had the Tyrant star to define it, give it flavour and otherwise distinguish it from any other Imperial sector. But the Korunos Expanse doesnt have equivalent theme or mcguffin you could point at and say "This distinguishes it from the Ghoul Stars or the Eastern Fringe". Heck, they even import in the Kroot (but not the Tau before anyone asks) from the other side of the galaxy! The worlds also lack detail and explanation for their mysteries for the GM. Standard stuff of dead planets, Ork Waaarghs growing etc, and I missed the vital element differentiating it from everywhere else.
Other rules- I slept through Talents, Skills, Combat, Imperium background, and GM dramatic rules since much of it looks identical to Dark Heresy. I knew it was compatible going in, and thats a strength, but effectively it does make the book about 50% reused material - almost Palladium level. Equipment didnt have a lot of new stuff- 80% we've already seen in the IH.
Most interesting new stuff are probably the Endeavors, Starship voyages and Navigators and the bumf on different types of Rogue Trader was better done than the equivalent Inquistion section in DH. The Introductory adventure is another railroad chase, again outshone by their free PDF adventure of Dark Frontier
I strongly suspect that we'll be seeing a Starships book and a Planets of the Expanse book from FFG in 2010. Because frankly they need it.