What is the suggestion for someone who walks out to answer the phone during round, he was out for 10 minutes, what is the acceptable measure for this? All help appreciated!
loose one shield or hull per minute...
If he already placed his dials, change them to red manuevers
Why is this here instead of the relevant Forum?
I dont see any thing relevant for the mission control.....
Read the pinned post from ffgjosh.
---------- Or read it below ----------
"Welcome to the X-Wing™ Mission Control open beta!
This tool is a resource that you can use to design and share X-Wing missions, track your X-Wing collection, and build and share custom squads for your missions. You can learn more about how the tool functions from its in-depth user guide.
These forums exist so that you can share the details of any technical difficulties you experience or any other helpful feedback you wish to contribute that might help us improve our tool. As always, please be respectful of all users and use language appropriate to an audience of all ages.
Thank you!"