and I need to flesh out a few ideas and clarify others.
So far, my players have come up with a bounty hunter (Seeker Hunter), a mercenary (Seeker Ataru Striker), a Jedi-to-be (Sentinel Shien Expert), plus two other players who have yet to make characters. Our previous experience is a few games of SW RPG using the EotE setting.
I'm a bit unsure how to work with this in the campaign. In EotE's Obligation, it seems a bit easier to work with... a character with a Bounty obligation might be strained with Obligation coming into play, and can work with the GM to lessen or eliminate the obligation. I'm not too clear how this works with Morality.
As not all of my PCs are Jedis (but all can use the Force), maybe the bounty hunter and mercenary can use Obligations instead?
Enemy strength:
In D&D 3.5, each enemy had a Challenge Rating. When designing an encounter, a GM could take the party level and if he could make an enemy group with a total CR roughly the same as the party level, then it was supposed to be a fair fight. Up the CR a bit above the party level and it would be a tougher fight. How can I create a "fair fight" in this system?
Party level:
Since there is no "Level 1" or "Level 20" character in this game system, how do I scale up encounters so that it's not a cakewalk for the party, but not a TPK either?
Sometimes, one of the players can't make a game and we play with 4 PCs instead of 5, how can I scale up/down encounters for this?
Is it only just 10-15XP per session? Is there a more precise guide on how to give out XP?
Again, referencing D&D 3.5, there would be an expected party gold per level. A Level 1 party would probably only have 1,000gp worth of gear whereas a Level 10 party might have 10,000gp worth of gear. I found this useful in testing whether I was giving out rewards appropriately. How do I do this in this system?
Thanks in advance for any help!