Recruitment Worlds

By Nazull, in Forbidden Stars

How dose the action upgrade card Recruitment Worlds work.

it says - While resolving this order, you may treat all your bastions in the active system as factories, reducing your deploy limit by 1 for each bastion you have in this system.

I don't see the point of a card that reduces the deploy limit but dose not give anything back

What do you mean with doesn't give you anything back? It enables you to use bastions as factories (once per round). This means that you can deploy new units in systems without a factory, but with a bastion. That's a huge plus in my book, as you should already be building a lot of bastions as a space marine.


Just to be sure, this is how it works:

Deploy order: You normally need a factory in the active system and you you can build as many units per Deploy order as the unit capacity of the planet with the factory indicates. If you have more than one factory in the system, you just add all the unit capacities of the factory-planets and then you can build up to that amount per Deploy order.

Recruitment worlds: Once per round you can build units in a system that has no factory, but has (a) bastion(s). Since bastions are not as effective in building units, you have to substract 1 from the amount of units you can build per bastion in that system. So if you have two bastions in a system and the unit capacities of the planets with the bastions are 2 and 3 you can build 2+3-2=3 units with an upgraded Deploy order.

Edited by Niddi

What do you mean with doesn't give you anything back? It enables you to use bastions as factories (once per round). This means that you can deploy new units in systems without a factory, but with a bastion. That's a huge plus in my book, as you should already be building a lot of bastions as a space marine.

OMG.........I did not think of it as using them as factory's even when it said treat them as factory's :)

I was blind to that part... thanks..

Okay, I looked all over for an answer to this one, it came up in our game last night...

If a Space Marine player has Recruitment Worlds, and one Bastion built on a friendly world but no other structures (or units) in a system...

If that world with the Bastion has a deploy limit of one (one skull)...

Can that Bastion not produce any units?

The card states...

"...reducing your deploy limit by 1 for each bastion you have in this system."

Does this mean one Bastion, deploy limit of one, 1 - 1 = 0..?

And if so, should you "try" to avoid having only one Bastion in a system on a one skull world?

Correct. So marines in particular need to think about where they want to build bastions...