Thanks very much. I see a Seeker with Pathfinder and Shien Expert sporting a Cunning-based build on the horizon
Calling All Players—Play By Post Sign Up
If there is still a spot I'd join. I'm thinking:
Campaign 2 - Heirs to the Legacy
Female Kel Dor Guardian or Consular
Edited by Inquisitor TremayneWhat's the situation with mandalorians in the kotor campaign? How organized are they, who do they support?
Damnit Crane, that's what I was thinking! Or anything with a polearm, really.
Yes Crane went with what lots of us were thinking. If that's the case I might change what I'm requesting to a Guardian/Peacekeeper. Again my role is reliant on filling in the gaps and I also have a concept for a Seeker/Pathfinder if there's opposition to double-classing.
Great minds and all that. That said I would be perfectly willing to go Artisan/Shien or Seer/Makashi if you guys want the Guardians.
Edited by Silver CraneI think I can put something together along the lines of Shien/Shadow.
Damnit Crane, that's what I was thinking! Or anything with a polearm, really.
Yes Crane went with what lots of us were thinking. If that's the case I might change what I'm requesting to a Guardian/Peacekeeper. Again my role is reliant on filling in the gaps and I also have a concept for a Seeker/Pathfinder if there's opposition to double-classing.
Great minds and all that. That said I would be perfectly willing to go Artisan/Shien or Seer/Makashi if you guys want the Guardians.
I'll probably put something together along the lines of Shien/Shadow. Just for social stuff. Just considering an interesting backstory.
I'm confused now. Who's got a spot to play, and what are they playing as?
That is an awfully good question.
There seem to have been a lot more than six applicants. Who's made the grade GM?
There seem to have been a lot more than six applicants. Who's made the grade GM?
Two different games, each with six players.
So far...
Campaign 1: Shadows of the Future
1. *FCastor - Human Warrior (Shii-Cho Knight, Force Sensitive Emergent)
2. *kaosoe - ? Consular (Niman Disciple)
3. *Revanchist7 - ? ? (?)
4. *Korro Zal - Zabrak Consular (Niman Disciple)
5. Silver Crane - Human Guardian (Soresu Defender, Protector)
6. ColonelCommissar - ? Seeker (Pathfinder, Shien Expert)
7. Inquisitor Tremayne - Kel Dor Guardian (Peacekeeper)
Campaign 2: Heirs to the Legacy
1. *Jon D - ? Sentinel (Shadow, Shii-Cho Knight)
2. *Crazy Aido - ? Sentinel (Shien Expert, Shadow)
3. Jereru - ? ? (?)
1. Nimsim - ? ? (?)
I have put you all by the order in which you expressed interest. The exceptions are the ones with an asterisk, as those are the ones who expressed interest in both the other thread and this one, thus they are given priority as per the GM's instructions. The ones with an asterisk I have put by the order they expressed interest in the other thread, by the way.
Edited by FCastor
Oh... I thought Crane was in the other game. That makes things a whole lot easier.
If I'm not fighting over it, I'll take the guardian soresu then.
Everyone wins.
Mine is probably going to suck compared to yours though. I'm gonna say that right there.
You can move me to Campaign 2, that will make things easy.
I've got a Gank Gunslinger that'd fit perfectly into the 'Heir of the Legacy' campaign setting.
Betrayal and Bounty Obligations: Used to work for a Hutt, was sent out after information that would shame/ruin said Hutt if revealed. Upon return, to ensure the information was secured, and no one would be able to leak anything about it, the Gank Hit Team was attacked and all presumed killed by the very Hutt himself. Only, one Gank survived. The Hutt learns of this and has placed a Bounty on his head. However, the Gank survivor knows nothing of the secrets that would ruin the Hutt.
I've built him with Obligation, but I've also put Morality with him for a reason, and I'd like to track it even though he has no Force Rating (yet).
I hope this is all well and good for a character.
Oh, I thought you had to book your place in the other thread...
If I'm in, I'll tell you what I'll play tomorrow, if you don't mind... I'm trying to check if an Unarmed Shao Lin Style fighter is viable. If not, I'll probably play a Togruta Seer/Niman Deathstar Hurler
If it helps, I find that the best thing to do is to make sure that a group has a diverse set of characteristics. It's okay if some people share a career, even a long as their starting skills and characteristics have some variance.
Plus that, it makes Skilled Assistance checks a hell of a lot easier!
Thanks for clarifying that. Since there are two Niman Disciples in our group (the first one), perhaps I should explain my concept a bit more. I'm not sure what the situation regarding Jedi training is in your campaign, since the Sith seem to have mostly wiped them out, but assuming there's a hidden/underground temple somewhere that still trains Jedi initiates my character learned his Jedi skills there. He was a gifted swordsman but way too proud and full of himself, and way too eager to draw his saber to solve problems. Instead of allowing him to train as a Guardian or Warrior, he was assigned as an apprentice to a Consular (who was a master of the Niman style) to teach him the value of negotiation and diplomacy in addition to developing his swordsmanship. He does his best to resolve conflicts peacefully as he was taught and only draw his blade as a last resort, but...sometimes it's hard to overcome your flaws!
As such, his emotional strength and weakness is, of course, Pride/Arrogance.
In terms of skills, I intend to make him a straight-up Niman Disciple with some facility in the Move force power. Trained skills will likely be Survival (as a Zabrak), Cool, Discipline, Leadership, Lightsaber and Negotiation. I will probably give him a Willpower of 4 to start and get the Niman technique if possible (or as soon as possible) to make him formidable with a lightsaber.
Does this work for your campaign?
I'll be going with Intelligence 4 and Brawn 3 at character creation for my Defender/Protector. I'll have Athletics, Cool, Vigilance, Discipline, Medicine, Lightsaber, Computer and Mechanics. His goal is to become a Soresu master as he sees a strong defense as paramount due to the death of his master early on. He also lacks the ability to use telekinesis at all, but I plan on starting with Sense and eventually grabbing Foresee and Enhance. Probably going with Caution/Fear for my emotional strength/weakness.
Edited by Silver CraneIf you're still accepting applications, I'd love to get in on the game.
He also lacks the ability to use telekinesis at all, but I plan on starting with Sense and eventually grabbing Foresee and Enhance. Probably going with Caution/Fear for my emotional strength/weakness.
Ooh, the Halcyon effect. I played a PC like that. Very fun.
You'll have further opportunities to discuss in depth, build, and post your characters once we get the games started.
If you're still accepting applications, I'd love to get in on the game.
Still accepting! I'll get a tally done here after the 48-hour window passes (48 from the OP) and then will throw up the OOC & Dramatis Personae Threads.
Edited by awayputurwpn
He also lacks the ability to use telekinesis at all, but I plan on starting with Sense and eventually grabbing Foresee and Enhance. Probably going with Caution/Fear for my emotional strength/weakness.
Ooh, the Halcyon effect. I played a PC like that. Very fun.
You'll have further opportunities to discuss in depth, build, and post your characters once we get the games started.
If you're still accepting applications, I'd love to get in on the game.
Still accepting! I'll get a tally done here after the 48-hour window passes (48 from the OP) and then will throw up the OOC & Dramatis Personae Threads.
Noticed that did you...
Hey all! Here's a couple Play By Post game setting suggestions that you've been waiting for. The feel of the campaign, all the specifics as to adventure composition, etc, will be determined by party composition (mostly stuff like Morality, Obligation, and Duty).
Campaign 1: Shadows of the Future [Force and Destiny]
4 millennia before the Death Star destroyed Alderaan, the Jedi are on the verge of extinction. Darth Revan's Sith Empire now controls a vast portion of the galaxy, and the Republic has crumbled. Revan and his Sith have enjoyed decades of rule and prosperity. But there are those that would challenge the Sith: those that still remember the Jedi, and even some who fought for the Republic, have been heard to offer resistance. Without hope or a unifying force, the last vestiges of freedom are in danger of being swept away forever as darkness closes in on the galaxy.
Campaign 2: Heirs to the Legacy [Force and Destiny]
Centuries after Luke Skywalker killed his own father and joined the Emperor, the Empire has divided and re-solidified into The Order, and controls virtually all of civilized space. The Hutts have also flourished inordinately, Hutt Space has expanded in all directions as new kajidics are formed and older ones are strengthened. They control the parts of space in which The Order has no interest.
Force using traditions have been outlawed by the cooperation between the Hutts and The Order, and those who wish to practice any such tradition, or even collect the trappings from them, do so in complete secrecy. Still, there are whispers of a growing resistance by none other than the Jedi Knights, the last of which were slain by Emperor Palpatine, who is remembered as a hero of the people.
Both of these campaigns are a bit of an "alternate" feel. The first one assumes only that Darth Revan betrayed the Republic at the Battle of the Star Forge and thereafter conquered the galaxy. Fast forward 20 years, and there we have it.
The second one assumes that Luke Skywalker, at the end of Return of the Jedi, gave in to his anger and took his father's place at the Emperor's side. We pick up the story 300 years later.
In either case, much of the galaxy is the same Star Wars that you know and love. But there are some differences that will be discovered as we play, or that will be made plain during character creation.
I hope these look like fun to play in! As stated in this thread here, these games will be played right here on the FaD forums. Looking for a maximum of 6 players per game, a commitment of 3 months, and a minimum posting frequency (OOC if not IC) of once every 48 hours (time off is fine; just let us know if you'll be gone! We're all friends here, so be a friend and communicate with your friends instead of leaving them hanging
Let me know which one you'd prefer playing! I'll give it a 48 hour sign-up window, with the fine folks who spoke up first in the initial "interest" thread having first dibbs, and otherwise accepting players on a first-come basis.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!
Sorry for the late response. I'm still moving stuff around and my books are at my other place.
That being said, I am interested in joining the group. Even though I'm not a huge fan of going outside the OT timeline, I still find it fascinating.
Of the two, I am more interested in the KotOR based campaign. I'm thinking about breaking the mold a bit and be a droid/cybernetics researcher and engineer, a play on the cybernetics scientist in "Beyond the Rim".
I'm thinking either Obligation or Duty would be a good start, though I wouldn't mind going for both as the campaign/episode goes.
What do you all think?
I'd be up for filling a slot in the Heirs campaign, Ataru Striker, I'll build him when I get off work today. High Agility with some piloting skill as a kind of rough outline.
The second campaign sounds pretty cool, if there's still room.
I'm thinking probably a Mystic:Advisor or Consular: Sage. Basically a dweeby little archaeologist with his head in the stars and an over-inflated sense of adventure.
I'm interested. I've never done a play by post but would like to try it out. My interests align more with the Old Republic storyline but it looks like it might be full already.