Calling All Players—Play By Post Sign Up

By awayputurwpn, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG

Hey all! Here's a couple Play By Post game setting suggestions that you've been waiting for. The feel of the campaign, all the specifics as to adventure composition, etc, will be determined by party composition (mostly stuff like Morality, Obligation, and Duty).

Campaign 1: Shadows of the Future [Force and Destiny]
4 millennia before the Death Star destroyed Alderaan, the Jedi are on the verge of extinction. Darth Revan's Sith Empire now controls a vast portion of the galaxy, and the Republic has crumbled. Revan and his Sith have enjoyed decades of rule and prosperity. But there are those that would challenge the Sith: those that still remember the Jedi, and even some who fought for the Republic, have been heard to offer resistance. Without hope or a unifying force, the last vestiges of freedom are in danger of being swept away forever as darkness closes in on the galaxy.

Campaign 2: Heirs to the Legacy [Force and Destiny]
Centuries after Luke Skywalker killed his own father and joined the Emperor, the Empire has divided and re-solidified into The Order, and controls virtually all of civilized space. The Hutts have also flourished inordinately, Hutt Space has expanded in all directions as new kajidics are formed and older ones are strengthened. They control the parts of space in which The Order has no interest.
Force using traditions have been outlawed by the cooperation between the Hutts and The Order, and those who wish to practice any such tradition, or even collect the trappings from them, do so in complete secrecy. Still, there are whispers of a growing resistance by none other than the Jedi Knights, the last of which were slain by Emperor Palpatine, who is remembered as a hero of the people.

Both of these campaigns are a bit of an "alternate" feel. The first one assumes only that Darth Revan betrayed the Republic at the Battle of the Star Forge and thereafter conquered the galaxy. Fast forward 20 years, and there we have it.

The second one assumes that Luke Skywalker, at the end of Return of the Jedi, gave in to his anger and took his father's place at the Emperor's side. We pick up the story 300 years later.

In either case, much of the galaxy is the same Star Wars that you know and love. But there are some differences that will be discovered as we play, or that will be made plain during character creation.

I hope these look like fun to play in! As stated in this thread here, these games will be played right here on the FaD forums. Looking for a maximum of 6 players per game, a commitment of 3 months, and a minimum posting frequency (OOC if not IC) of once every 48 hours (time off is fine; just let us know if you'll be gone! We're all friends here, so be a friend and communicate with your friends instead of leaving them hanging ;) ).

Let me know which one you'd prefer playing! I'll give it a 48 hour sign-up window, with the fine folks who spoke up first in the initial "interest" thread having first dibbs, and otherwise accepting players on a first-come basis.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!

Edited by awayputurwpn

Weeell, hello there my pretties!

And now to decide which one looks prettier than its sibling.

...Not too creepy, right...? :P

Either way, I am looking to play a Human Warrior (Shii-Cho Knight, Force Sensitive Emergent) with probably the Compassion/Hatred Morality. More details to come once I actually decide on which of the two campaigns interests me more than the other.

Edited by FCastor

I'd like to play in the first campaign. My desired character concept is a Zabrak Consular/Niman Disciple, though I'll wait for more details before I develop it too much. Thanks for volunteering to run this!

I like the first. Actually leaning a bit more towards a force character now, but perhaps not. I'll have to see if I can think of something fun.

I like the look of the second, and I 'm throwing my very interested hat into the ring for any space available!

I'm interested in the latter. Shadow/Shi Cho Knight. Basically Jedi Batman. ☺


I'm interested in whichever of the two has room for me, both seem quite nice, though I think the second looks weirder (that's good) :)

If I get to play, idk, I usually wait till I see what other people are going to play and then adapt, but probably something Force-intensive.

Thank you!

Definitely interested, though not sure which one I'm more interested in. Starting as a Seeker/Ataru Striker, and probably swiftly cross classing into starfighter ace to fill the pilot role should it be required

I would very happily join in. I'd prefer the Shadows of the Future campaign but I'm flexible. Can I ask whether we'd start with lightsabers, and if we're allowed any species? I'd play a Guardian/Protector (Tank/protecting character) or Consular/Sage (Force power-based build) depending on party make-up and desire, though I'm not sure of the species as yet. Any room for me?

Edited by ColonelCommissar

Just a heads up to all those interested (unless the esteemed GM has changed his mind, that is), but though this seems like it will be a primarily FaD campaign, there is nevertheless the option to play Species and Careers from any official printed source. Going by the other thread:

Every official book would be fair game. Force Users must have a Morality score, and otherwise players are free to select Obligation or Duty (or a mix of two of the three).

For species, I'd prefer we stick with officially published material.

As for the Group Resource (Step 10 of character creation), that'd largely depend on the party composition.

In fact, those of you that have not done so, you might want to check the other thread as well. It is not particularly long and includes answers to certain questions that you may be wondering about. :)

Edited by FCastor

Assuming the spots of those that initially showed interest are still reserved, I'll throw my hat into the ring for Shadows of the Future.

I'm already playing a Doctor in one game, an Artisan in another, and a Shadow in a third. I mostly prefer playing a face character in live play when I have live people to play off of, so I'll probably stick to something more straight forward and combat oriented. As discussed earlier, I was leaning towards Niman Disciple. Been wanting to play one ever since last year's GenCon.

Ohhh, now I notice there was already a calling in another thread...

Well, consider me a reserve, then, or something like that.

Well, after a bit of thought, I find the chance to revisit the KotOR/TOR era a bit too tempting. Plus, it has Revan. Plus, it gives me the chance to play an ex-Jedi (well, ok, ex-Jedi Padawan) since it has been twenty years since the fall of the Jedi, not three centuries. Plus, taking place millennia before the OT and PT, it does not matter if it is Canon or Legends, as it has little effect on the movies' Galactic Civil War and the like. Plus, I rather liked the idea of my Shii-Cho Knight learning Niman from kaosoe's character, as I mentioned in the other thread, so I think I will stalk him a wee bit if he does not mind too much. :)

So... Shadows of the Future it is.

I'd be interested in playing whichever campaign has space in it.

I'm interested in Shadows of the Future as well. Thinking of playing a human Soresu Defender/Protector.

Edited by Silver Crane

Excellent, Shadows of the Future looks like a very interesting setting. I'm assuming that since the Sith Empire rules there'll be a good number of Dark Jedi and dramatic lightsaber duels. As to the Duty mechanic, will there be a Rebel Alliance equivalent already in-universe for AoR characters to originate from or will we be creating our own Rebel Alliance (Force Unleashed style?)

As to the Duty mechanic, will there be a Rebel Alliance equivalent already in-universe for AoR characters to originate from or will we be creating our own Rebel Alliance (Force Unleashed style?)

Good question! It's a bit of both. The Republic as an institution languishes, but there are dissident groups of "loyalists" that are rebelling against the dominant Sith Empire. If you choose an Age of Rebellion-flavored character for the KotOR-era game, you would essentially be a Republic loyalist who has a connection to at one of these "cells" of rebels. As your Contribution Rank grows, you might come into contact with new cells, joining them together for greater effectiveness towards your cause!

Well I'd much prefer to play a Force-User if there's room (though all the character types I'd wanted seem taken - I'd like to play Guardian/Protector but I think I may go Seeker/Pathfinder if the others already have their preferences) but nonetheless that's useful. While I'm asking rules questions, would you consider making lightsaber specialisations universal to allow more flexible characters?

Damnit Crane, that's what I was thinking! Or anything with a polearm, really.

Yes Crane went with what lots of us were thinking. If that's the case I might change what I'm requesting to a Guardian/Peacekeeper. Again my role is reliant on filling in the gaps and I also have a concept for a Seeker/Pathfinder if there's opposition to double-classing.

Bam, sentinal then. I will actually duel you with a pole-arm for that. No ****. Your sword versus my naginata. Seriously.

While I'm asking rules questions, would you consider making lightsaber specialisations universal to allow more flexible characters?'s 10 XP :) And I think it's there for a reason. So while they won't be universal, I will still rock the rules from EotE and AoR regarding lightsabers: If you start as an EotE or AoR career and don't have Lightsaber as a career skill, you may use Brawn or Agility to determine your combat check pool.

If Lightsaber at any time becomes a career skill, the characteristic used will revert to Brawn (unless you pick up one of the lightsaber "style" talents, of course).

Right, thanks for clarifying that! Last question, if I were to play as a Pathfinder could I have a companion animal right from the start since it's a Knight-level game (assuming I had the right talents)?

If it helps, I find that the best thing to do is to make sure that a group has a diverse set of characteristics. It's okay if some people share a career, even a long as their starting skills and characteristics have some variance.

Plus that, it makes Skilled Assistance checks a hell of a lot easier!

Right, thanks for clarifying that! Last question, if I were to play as a Pathfinder could I have a companion animal right from the start since it's a Knight-level game (assuming I had the right talents)?

Yes indeed. I would include the animal in your character write up.