So I had an interesting Idea today while flipping through my F&D core book.Now let me preface this by saying this has not been play tested at all. I just wanted to bounce the idea off of someone to see if it had any legs. When It comes to one on one fights in tabletop Rpgs I am a fan of systems that have active defenses. By that I mean the aggressor rolls for attacks and the defender actively rolls to defend themselves. In my experience it makes for more engaging 1v1 combats rather than the defender just relying on a TN or difficulty dice even if it might make the combat longer. Also with both opponents describing action and reactions I feel it is also more cinematic.
With all that being said, since a fight between two force using lightsaber wielders is a test of Skill v Skill and Force v Force, has any body tried toying around the idea of doing away with the difficulty dice and having straight opposed rolls? The attacker's successes would be canceled out by defender's successes and vice versa. The same thing goes for advantages and triumph. The only thing that this eliminates from the equation is the Despair symbol, but really isn't a Triumph rolled by the defender a despair from the attacker's point of view? I would keep the setback and boost dice in play to account for environmental and situational modifiers. Any action that is not specifically targeting the opponent in the duel would use the normal system.
Just an Idea. Any constructive criticism would be appreciated.
Edited by Sirbanion625