Deep One F.A.Q.

By johnny shoes, in CoC Rules Discussion

Is the deep one faq out there somewhere. Can it be found and put on the articles lists?

I don't know if there is a specific one for Deep one but I have the FAQ 2.0 Send me your email if you need a copy.


You mean Ravager from the Deep article?

johnny shoes said:

Is the deep one faq out there somewhere. Can it be found and put on the articles lists?

Are you looking for something in particular?

Not seeking anything in particular, except highlights of our past. Perhaps I'm not learned enough. Seems to me that the Deep One F.A.Q. was a key user created source for rule understanding. I think it belongs somewhere safe. And these boards are anything but that. FFG is brutalizing our past. I just want to retain what i think are highlights of our past that still are useful. Again, an amazing resource could be made editing our post history. Instead...well you know how disappointed I am at FFG for eradicating our past like it was a facebook entry.