rtl: X Marks the Spot! Funny OL-idea

By Edo77, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi all,

our Campaign is nearing its end, and as a player I'm having a hard time playing against a cruel OL. I just wanted to present one of his ideas to you and ask for your opinions:

We were playing the rumor "X Marks the Spot", where the heroes are allowed to search the treasure deck and chose one of the cards as reward for opening the chest. However, in the dungeon is a 2x2 pit that kills every figure that falls into it, so our OL plays "Mimikry" on the chest, and immediately gets a turn with his beastman. He then plays another card to double the speed of the beastman/chest and runs toward the pit.

We (the players) stopped the beastman from jumping into the pit, but it was sheer luck that we managed to do it.

Our OL then said, if we weren't able to stop the beastman from jumping to his death, we wouldn't have received the reward for the rumor! Luckily we didn't have to figure out if this was legal or not, but what do you think of it?


I haven't seen the rumor, but it doesn't sound legal. Mimic is played when the chest is opened. If the beastman is killed, the contents are immediately distributed. so it seems that either the rumor says "when they open the chest, they get the reward" or "the reward is in the chest." Either way, Mimic would only delay the inevitable.

I agree. If I remember the mimic card correctly, the contents of the chest (whatever they happen to be) are distributed when the chest is killed. A hero doesn't have to land a "killing blow" to get the contents, the mimc/beast man simply has to be killed (by anything - pit/aura/boulder/etc..) I don't think the rumor would change this fact.

Hmm, hardly to speak against this, as I'm on your side and don't think of it otherwise, regarding the rules. But the mimicry card says something like "If YOU kill the Beastman, you get the treasure". Maybe it is a translation-problem, as I only have the gernan card in front of me.

The rumor by the way states:

"When the heroes open the chest, they first receive treasure as on a normal dungeon level. After collecting the treasure, they immediately receive the reward for this rumor"

Well, as we all know sometimes the text on cards in descent cause some kind of rules-lawyering (can't find a better word, sorry :-) ).

Although I play as a hero, I kind of like the idea of a beastman, running like crazy to protect the OLs treasure and jumping down a bottomless hole to prevent the heroes from getting the reward. ^^

Does anyone mind posting the english original text of mimikry?

"If the chest is killed, the contents of the chest are immediately distributed."

Ok thanks a lot, then it is definitly a translation problem :-)

Btw., is there a site on the internet that provides the original text? I know the rulebooks are online here at ffg, but sometimes the cards would come in handy, too! :-)

www.descentinthedark.com has text for many of the cards, but nowhere near all of them. They do have all of the heros, and OL cards though, plus all of the monster stats.