Why you should be playing Imperial Assault Skirmish

By jonboyjon1990, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic

I would but I was told that you can only do the campaign as rebels. Most of my group plays the Imperials so not something we want to do (switch sides).

For me, I'm not sold on it as a Skirmish game... Mostly because I'm saturated in that area already.

Armada was a rare treat, because no other big-ship + fighter game had really caught my attention...

Sure, it looks interesting, but I don't know if its mechanics will win me over compared to Infinity, for example...

Like I said, it looks interesting... But if I'm picking up pieces, it might just be for use within a Star Wars RPG.

I own a large X-Wing collection, a big Armada collection and only the core set of Imperial Assault. I have a hard time getting a chance to play any of them so for the time being Imperial Assault is getting the short shift. Not much point in spending the cash if I can't make time to play the game.

Edited by Edsel62

sorry I will not pay more then $4 for a 28mm troop mini Its just a thing with me.