Why are there no box expansions?

By Borsook, in BattleLore

Well, the title says it all, Battles for Westeros has boxes but not Battlelore. I could understand it if it's just additional figure or 2, but with a new faction coming? Those terrible plastic containers are impossible for storage and do not protect the minis during transport... Any reasons behind this?

I guess it's because they are cheaper to produce. Recently FFG moved from using cardboard to plastic also for LCG expanions. I agree it's not the best solution for the users, tho: once opened, you cannot use them to store your minis, and in the end you need a place where to put all this plastic (especially because the game with 4 army expansions is pretty big now)

I have the entire line coming in a few weeks and I have no idea how I'm going to store the whole mess. I wish they had taken storage into consideration.

This is why I do not throw away expansion boxes from other games. It is not ideal, and does not look as snazzy on the shelf as a properly themed box would, but keeping my extra Battlelore bits in an extra Descent expansion box works for me. And the setting is the same which is a small consolation.

I'll probably use the Mists of Bilehall box for the undead faction, if only for the symmetry of theme.

Edited by Madmartigan