Enemies Within: Boneweed Whip...error?

By Jeans_Stealer, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions

The book is great. Cultists, zealots, psykers...

Apart from the humour-mill that comes from considering a long-las armed monotask servo gunskull. ZZZZZAP

page 88, the (master) antagonist -

So... Pen 0... With Razor sharp? so if he scores a hit with 3 degrees of success... it's still pen zero :)

I mean he is threat 20, and rightly so, his 'skill' thing that frenzies players is horrible.

Perhaps, as a house rule, if he comes out of the box (reminds me of Omega Red for some reason, 'implanted' boneweed whip) that bonewhip should be pen 2. So pen 4 on 3+ degrees successful hit.


Edited by Jeans_Stealer

sound about right...

Yes, that's an error we'll address in the next errata update. Try it with 2, but if possible also give it a go with 1 or 3 and see how that works too.


Yes, that's an error we'll address in the next errata update. Try it with 2, but if possible also give it a go with 1 or 3 and see how that works too.


Many thanks Tim! Good to know.