Audio Interview with FFG about Sea of Blood

By Rwakelin, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hey Descent Fans,

Sally Karkula from Fantasy Flight Games was kind enough to spend some time with Nicole on "The D6 Generation Podcast" and talk quite a bit about the up coming Sea of Blood expansion for Descent.

The interview starts at the 1hr 47 min mark in Ep 41.

Link to the episode:

I hope you enjoy it. As a big Descent fan myself it got me very excited about the Sea of Blood. I'm already practicing my Pirate talk.

Avast! Arrrgh! Shiver me timbers!

"Don't do that." - Captain Jack Sparrow

Well, she confirmed that the Fatigue Upgrade is only +1 (instead of +2).

It also looks like Divine Favor, the -1CP based on Conquest Level (every 25 behind), there will be a minimum of 1CP for a hero.

Also, the Dungeon Leaders are a /lot/ tougher! Rather than the current monster level +XXX wounds, it's going to be current monster level +XXX woulds PER CAMPAIGN LEVEL! The example she gives is if the leader is a Naga with +8wounds, +2armor, and you're in the Gold level, she will be +24wounds +6armor!

Nice find :)


"We donĀ“t talk about Red Scorpion!" :) LMAO

D6 generation ROCKS. I really enjoyed the interview.