Balancing RtL- a proposal

By cogollo, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi, at the moment I am conducting my first two campaigns (playing with WoD and AoD expansions also) and they are both in Copper level (in one I'm thrasing the heroes 34-95; in the other we are at a more even 31-49)... I've read some people complaining that Copper level is too hard for the heroes and Gold level too easy and giving reasons that seem sound from what I know of the game up to now...

So, inspired by all ideas I read in the forum and in Boardgamegeek, I was thinking to make three easy changes to balance things a bit:

1. Use the feats from the Tomb of Ice expansion (I'll have to buy it first)... this will help Heroes in all campaign levels.

2. Dungeon level bosses and encounter bosses get double their armor and wounds boost in Silver level, and three times the boost in Gold level... this will help the Overlord a bit in Silver and a lot in Gold level.

3. Monster advances cost 10 less when upgrading the monsters to the actual campaign level, and 20 less when upgrading them to a level below the Campaign level; monster upgrades above the campaign level cost the usual amount... This means that, in Silver Level, monster upgrades to silver would cost 15 or 20; in Gold level, monster upgrades to silver cost 5 or 10 and to Gold cost 15 or 20... this would help the Overlord a bit in the Silver level and a bit more in Gold level.

4. For the final battle, I was planning on having the monsters on the dungeon still fight together with the Avatar, him keeping his cards, threat and power cards, but drawing one less card per turn after that... We'll try the final battle twice, with this rules and with the original rules to see which battle is more exciting.

To summarize, heroes are boosted in all campaign levels with the feats. Overlord is boosted in Silver and Gold levels, and maybe at the final battle. Thus, balance would improve a bit.

I'll finish playing my two first campaigns with the original rules, though, as I would like to experience how a couple of full games goes with them (and we are all having a great time for the moment) but wanted to ask if anybody has tried any of my above proposals and whether they work.

cogollo said:

2. Dungeon level bosses and encounter bosses get double their armor and wounds boost in Silver level, and three times the boost in Gold level... this will help the Overlord a bit in Silver and a lot in Gold level.

Ironically, this is one of the tweaks in Sea of Blood. That, and Fatigue Upgrades are only +1 instead of +2.


Additionally Sea of blood was designed to be more difficult than RTL. We shall see if it actually is.