Solutions, can I has it?

By Canadian_Megaman_Prime, in UFS General Discussion

I don't know if there was something like this posted on the old forums, as my search gave 3 pages worth of results from the same 2 threads and I kinda gave up after that....

So someone plays the E: on Fight or Flight on my multiple copy and brings it to 0 damage...Is there a way to bring the damage back up to anything WITHOUT using E negation or "return to printed damage"? If not, I might scrap my idea of legacy Talim.

Without negating the Fight or Flight E there isn't a way to bring the damage back up, everything that would do that says "printed".

Canadian_Megaman_Prime said:

So someone plays the E: on Fight or Flight on my multiple copy and brings it to 0 damage.

Unless the ruling's been changed, this doesn't actually happen AFAIK. The face-down card is considered to be an exact copy of the attack, save for a blank text box. In other words the only things that DO carry over are the printed stats and resource symbols. Fight or Flight would reduce it to the printed damage it copied.

Edit: It wouldn't have to be explicit E: Negation. FoF is a Foundation, naturally, so things like Lost Memories and Chester's could negate it as well.

Polygon said:

Canadian_Megaman_Prime said:

So someone plays the E: on Fight or Flight on my multiple copy and brings it to 0 damage.

Unless the ruling's been changed, this doesn't actually happen AFAIK. The face-down card is considered to be an exact copy of the attack, save for a blank text box. In other words the only things that DO carry over are the printed stats and resource symbols. Fight or Flight would reduce it to the printed damage it copied.

That's not right. A multiple's printed damage is 0. Printed damage means the actual value that is printed on the card. A face down card has no printed values. Now if something said original damage, starting damage, etc then yes that would be the case.

Polygon said:

Canadian_Megaman_Prime said:

So someone plays the E: on Fight or Flight on my multiple copy and brings it to 0 damage.

Unless the ruling's been changed, this doesn't actually happen AFAIK. The face-down card is considered to be an exact copy of the attack, save for a blank text box. In other words the only things that DO carry over are the printed stats and resource symbols. Fight or Flight would reduce it to the printed damage it copied.

Edit: It wouldn't have to be explicit E: Negation. FoF is a Foundation, naturally, so things like Lost Memories and Chester's could negate it as well.

his main problem is that multiple copie's printed damage is 0 FoF do reduce it to 0 and grant a marvelous dmg bonus of 0

EDIT: ninja'ed by Jdub

Polygon said:

things like Lost Memories and Chester's could negate it as well.

It's still negation. I guess I should be a little more specific by saying I'd like a solution off either fire, air or good.

i don't know of another way to do anything about your problem..... but i have to say don't scrap a deck based on one card that is a problem..... technically 2 when you throw healer into the mix.... my point being every deck has a weakness you just gotta hope you can kill the other person before they can get it out

Once the FoF has actually resolved you're pretty much up the river, but you could certainly commit/destroy it beforehand with Chinese Boxing, Roam the World, TYPFG, Instant Hell Murder, or just regular old Olcadan's. Though I have the feeling that if negation isn't allowed then these aren't any good either... could we maybe get some explanation as to why not? Are you FoF'ing your own multiple copies for some reason?

1) Everyone and their mother plays FoF if they have them around here.

2) His Legacy Talim depends on multiple copies to do damage.

3) A multiple copy easily brought down to 0 hinders his chance to do damage.

* * *

Also, you may want to look up Holding Ground for one single reason - it can utterly mess up your multiple copies as well.

Oh hai.

Homme Chapeau said:

1) Everyone and their mother plays FoF if they have them around here.

2) His Legacy Talim depends on multiple copies to do damage.

3) A multiple copy easily brought down to 0 hinders his chance to do damage.

I'm aware of that much, I mean why is it that negation (and presumably other solutions that prevent the ability from happening, i.e. committal) isn't an acceptable solution?

No Memories = Negation that has fire.

Seal of Cessation = Infinity Symbol one shot negation.

Antigoth said:

No Memories = Negation that has fire.

Wins the thread lol

Homme Chapeau said:

Oh hai.

Hai ^ - ^ v

Yea if we realized you were running Fire as the problem and not "no E: negation" this could've been a pretty short conversation. Also, Chester's Backing does have Air. =D

Canadian_Megaman_Prime said:

Antigoth said:

No Memories = Negation that has fire.

Wins the thread lol

Homme Chapeau said:

Oh hai.

Hai ^ - ^ v

Oh yeah I keep forgetting about that card...

antigoth already said no memories, all i can think of is manifest destiny mebbe?