nouvelle extention en preparation

By batte man, in Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition


desolé de crire en francais. il est tard de ce coté de l'atlantique.

est ce qu il est prevu de voir apparaitre une 2eme extention de ce jeu. effectivement, apres avoir acheté ce jeu lors de sa sortir ansi que la 1ere extention. mon groupe joueurs et moi y jouons 1a2 fois par semaine. il est devenu "notre" jeu.

dans l attente d une reponse


batte man-france

batteman said:


desolé d ecrire en francais. il est tard de ce coté de l'atlantique.

est ce qu il est prevu de voir apparaitre une 2eme extention de ce jeu. effectivement, apres avoir acheté ce jeu lors de sa sortir ansi que la 1ere extention. mon groupe joueurs et moi y jouons 1a2 fois par semaine. il est devenu "notre" jeu.

dans l attente d une reponse


batte man-france


Mon Francais n'est pas si bon, alors SVP avez la patience.

Il n'y a pas un 2eme expansion poor TI3, et pas d'indication q'un vas etre cree dans la futur. Il'y'as un fan expansion de la nom "Shattered Ascension" que vous pouvez trouvez par Google probablement. Ce la peut-etre peut donnez vous quelque chose neuvaux a faire avec le jeu. Shattered Ascension est dans Anglais, alors tu doit faire votre translation en Francais. Je ne sais pas si quelqun d'autre a deja fait.

Aussi, regardez a la TI3 Wiki ( pour plus de fan-cree additions pour le jeu.

Je ne pense pas que FFG vas faire plus des expansion lorsque TI4 est annonce.

For the benefit of those who don't speak French, here's what the OP wrote (give or take):


sorry to write in French but it's late on this side of the Atlantic.

Is there any preview for a second expansion for this game? Effectively, after buying this game and the first exapnsion, my group and I play it once or twice a week. It has become "our" game.

I await a response.


What, no translation for your response? :D

merci pour vos reponses en francais tres correct.

dommage pour twilight qui meriterait un suivi aussi riche que peut etre celui de arkham ou decent ( jeux que nous pratiquons egalement)


sigmazero13 said:

What, no translation for your response? :D

Well, I COULD translate my response, but then I'd have to kill anyone who read it. =P

I basically just said there's no indication of a second expansion en route, suggested a couple sources of fan material (which you can probably pick out), and theorized that we likely won't see anything official until TI4.

batteman said:

dommage pour twilight qui meriterait un suivi aussi riche que peut etre celui de arkham ou decent ( jeux que nous pratiquons egalement)

Twilight Imperium est la premiere jeu que FFG a producee. Je ne pense pas qu'elle va etre toujours oubliee. Je suis tres confidante que TI4 est en route eventuellement. Je pense que le vrais raison pour l'absence d'un 2eme expansion est que FFG n'as pas assez de materielle pour le faire. Ils ne veut pas le fait si c'est juste plus "aliens" and plus de planetes. Moi, je doit etre joyeux avec celui ci, mais je pense que FFG n'est pas.

Twilight Imeprium is FFG's first production. I don't think it will be forever forgotten. I'm confidant that TI4 will come eventually. I think the main reason for the absence of a second expansion is because FFG doesn't have enough material to make one. They don't want to do it if it's just more aliens and more planets. I'd be happy with that, but I don't think they'd be.

And that is sad, actually, because it is a great great game, and I always wanted more from it (I'm the one who opened a thread about if there were any official novels set in the TI universe).

What I don't get, is that the op said sorry to write in french here, although these are not the ffg/edge french forums, plus, and not the least... his french doesn"t make sense (yours almost sounds better, steveo).


Hem said:

And that is sad, actually, because it is a great great game, and I always wanted more from it (I'm the one who opened a thread about if there were any official novels set in the TI universe).

What I don't get, is that the op said sorry to write in french here, although these are not the ffg/edge french forums, plus, and not the least... his french doesn"t make sense (yours almost sounds better, steveo).

Maybe you're more familiar with Quebecois french than Parisian french. I understand the two can be quite different, though I won't pretend to know what those differences are. I'm Canadian, so I learned to speak french the Quebec way.

I'd also like to see more of the TI universe, either in the form of a new edition or as accessory products like novels and spin-off games, etc. It would be pretty cool.

Yo Steve O, for a minute, I thought you meant the guy was canadian, so that his french would sound weird to my ears (but i actually am the one from paris, by the way), but then I re-read his stuff, and he clearly says he's from beyond the ocean so im left perplexed... there might be a few possibilities left, as he could be, for instance... er... a swiss dude... or... maybe some belgium player... who knows. But im telling you, i got your french more than his. Meme si tout ce que je saurais te dire c'est "tabarnac, ma blonde et moi on est en crisse de love avec les jeux de FFG" ;) (**** I must sound awkward!)

You know, when the Miller brothers made a writer work on books for their Myst licence, they did a great move (for the marketing but for the fans like me too). I wonder why FFG doesn't act as well. Can you imagine ? some novels set in TI3 world ? hell that'd be great. More than a videogame or comic books, I'd say.

Here are some novels set in the TI3 universe:


The Foundation Trilogy

Larry Nivens known space books

Just look at the list of things that inspired the game from the manual, TI3 is based on tons of other works.

Well, I agree with your idea, man, but you have to admit : there are no official novels officialy set in the official TI world, out there, none asked by Petersen to any writor. There are none... ...sigh.

There is in fact something that you could like to read tough if you manage to find it. There has been two roleplayings books with lot of expanding universe flavor text published by FFG in the past. I had buyed them but lost them when I moven in to my new appartement. (Thinking about buying them again tough). Only thing that may bug you with those are that they were from the second or first edition of TI. I'm not too sure. So many of the races are not in there.

I agree with you that it is sad the franchise didn't get to go further. I would love to read books or even see movies about this universe. Even just some concept art Wallpaper would be great. With the Midnight Chronicles movies tough, we may hope that someday FFG would honorate thier first game.

What I was wondering is... If someone ever writes a book about twilight imperium and submit it to FFG would it have chances to be published directly by them as official material? Even if it is not written in english for the orriginal manuscript?

And second question as I think it may have it's place here, do they plan to reprint a new edition of the TI RPG one day?

Because it is becoming really rare and hard to find, but also because TI3 would be so much more suited for RPG experience I, at least, think it would be great. Anyway, should you say they do not plan to make a new one I'll probably catch the old TI RPG on ebay again since it is the last place to hold some copy.

From what I understand, the RPG, despite being published by FFG, is not considered "official" in terms of the background it provides.

I heard the RPG was really lacking in flavour and details. No true effort was made into consolidating the TI universe and give the players a real sense of the world they were playing in. Dissapointing.

Tretiak said:

I heard the RPG was really lacking in flavour and details. No true effort was made into consolidating the TI universe and give the players a real sense of the world they were playing in. Dissapointing.

Without meaning to start a flamewar or anything, I kind of felt the same way about TI 1e. I played it but wasn't particularly impressed with it. It wasn't until Descent and shortly thereafter TI 3e that I really became the huge FFG fan that I am today.

IIRC, the old TI RPG was published around the same time as 1e (not sure if 2e was out or not - if it was they would've been published within the same year), so maybe the lackluster was just a side effect of how small a company FFG was at the time. Limited resources and so on. I'm definitely happy with the direction FFG has been going the last five years or so, and TI 3 is a huge improvement over its humble origins, IMNSHO. Not that I expect them to try a TI RPG again, but I think such a product from the new and improved FFG would be a much better entry in the RPG market.

Steve-O said:

[...] Not that I expect them to try a TI RPG again, but I think such a product from the new and improved FFG would be a much better entry in the RPG market.

No flamewar here. I totally agree. happy.gif


So... When do they will get to it? I want to know if I have to save money in hope of seeing that.

Xunk_de_Janelkoff said:


So... When do they will get to it? I want to know if I have to save money in hope of seeing that.

When will they get to what? A TI RPG or a new expansion to TI3? In either case I think the answer is "probably never." TI4 will probably come out someday, but I wouldn't expect anything new before that. Time to get a modding if you want new material!

Personally I don't think that's a particularly bad thing, either. New expansions have a way of "needing" to be bigger and better than previous material, which eventually throws balance out the window. Fan mods, on the other hand, seem to be reasonably well balanced and just generally creative in nature. I suspect this is because official material needs something promising in order to sell, whereas fan material is free to begin with, so nobody cares if you choose to use it or not.