Force choke

By Dyslexic Dragon, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG

What power for Force Choke, Harm or Unleash? Unleash has the incapacitating (Ensnare) and damage over time (Burn) ability, but this is Force Lightning. While Harm has no incapacitating or damage over time / maintaining abilities.

With the current Force powers there is no way to recreate the scene in The Empire Strikes Back , Darth Vader uses Force Choke to kill Admiral Ozzel. At the time Vader is in his meditation chamber while Ozzel and Needa are presumably on the bridge of the Executor.

I think Bind is what you're looking for, it's effects when you use Dark Side Points to power it are right in line with the effects of Force Choke

Yeah, I'd go with Bind for that one too. Harm relies on touch, at least the base power does, and Unleash seems like it would maybe have some visible effect, even before you get the Mastery upgrade that changes it into Force Lightning.

Cool thanks

Yeah, Bind is pretty much the game's representation of Force Choke, especially if you get to the mastery upgrade which enables Bind to inflict a critical injury.

Bind = Force Choke

Harm = Life Drain

Unleash = Force Lightning

Keep in mind to do what Vader does you need to pretty much finish the entire tree and have 3 force dice.

It also works as the Force Crush in Force Unleashed.

It also works as the Force Crush in Force Unleashed.

It does. The Force powers in this system are broad brush strokes, and they are able to portray a large number of powers that come from all over the Star Wars universe.

Bind is of course a good simulation of Force Choke (since that's what we're taking about!), but that's not all it is. It can represent "Force Stun/Stasis" and "Force Crush" like in KotOR, among any number of other effects like Force Barrier.