A Question About Play-By-Post

By FCastor, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG

Hello there. New to these forums, but from what I have read so far, they seem like a fun place.

Now, my usual stomping ground is Paizo and its forums, since I find that to be another fun place and because it has a healthy PbP community, as well as an alias system where one can make as many character profiles as one wants in addition to their main default profile. Problem is that the people there are primarily -and not surprisingly- interested in Pathfinder. Since discovering FFG's ruleset and trying it out a bit on the aforementioned Paizo forums, I have found it to be a great system and want to see and experience more of it. However, PnP games are out of the question really. And besides, I have fallen in love with PbPs and the fact that they allow one to be as descriptive as one wants and really act out the character, so to speak. Not to mention that it is wonderful practice for my English writing skills (English is not my native language).

So, basically, do games happen here? And if they do, where do I go looking for them? Or are there some other forums where you guys go to get a PbP started or participate in one?

I will admit a certain preference for games that incorporate elements from all three books (EotE, AoR, FaD) so that the experience and fun is a bit more complete and well-rounded, not to mention so that I can get a chance to play a Force-using lightsaber-wielding dude (what can I say, Star Wars is pretty irrevocably connected to laser swords and Force wizards for me...).

I wouldn't be adverse to starting up a game on these forums. It'd totally be doable. If I had enough interested players, we could give it a go!

Well, you may certainly consider me interested.

I'd be interested in playing.

However, I don't know if FFG has a dice roller here for the forums. The second is that the games can get either quite large or go very quickly.

Besides Paizo, have you looked at other gaming forums? I know that the Giant in The Playground (Order of the Stick) forums has a healthy and large PbP RPG scene.

I have generally found that people will stay active on forums in which they've already invested time & energy. I also wouldn't want to have people have to create a new account for a new forum. New forum user accounts are much more fragile than established ones, and I'd hate to see forum-buy-in be a factor in player attrition (other factors are GM incompetence [i'll own up to that one!], player disinterest, and the vicious cycle of inactiveness...)

I'm not a crazy fan of the way this forum has its email notifications set up, BUT I am active here :) So that is worth the price of admission. For rollers, I would either say use Orokos.com , which has a BBCode dice roller, or just roll your physical dice and post the results. I like Orokos because it shows what dice gave what results, and that can be really useful in narrating the exact effects of the skill check. And dice are pretty. So it's definitely the preferred option. But like I said with the whole "new forum" thing above, I wouldn't want to create hangups by requiring people to learn a new thing. Accessibility is my main value here in starting a new game.

What I would propose is that 1) I'd set up an OOC thread first (in the FaD Forum, let's say) after confirming the players here in this thread, then 2) an IC thread once we had all the PCs nailed down and ready to play.

So consider this to be a general interest call for a Star Wars RPG PbP game here on the FFG Community Forums! Post if you're interested in such a game, what kind of character you're thinking of playing (just general ideas, no need for a huge background writeup, just enough to see if the PCs instantly jive with each other), and the general feel of the game you're looking for.

I'm thinking I'd like to try and shoot for something in the KotOR Era (between KotoR and KotOR II, so round about 4,000 BBY), but if y'all wanna play during the Galactic Civil War instead (or whatever other era), I'm open to that instead.

Edited by awayputurwpn

FCastor - my personal favorite PbP stomping grounds are on rpol.net ; they have a built-in dice roller, you can make multiple aliases for each campaign, they have embedded wikis if you don't want to use something like Obsidian Portal. They also have a robust 'seeking players' and 'seeking gamemasters' section for finding other games to play in. Downside is they are yet another place to make a registration and get used to.

awayputurwpn - consider me, also, generally interested. I have a handful of characters mentally built that I can tweak for basically any era of play; primarily in the technician (computers/mechanics), sneaky skills monkey or melee combat archetypes.

I'm interested, but I'm also concerned about the kind of flak that could be raised by others without a dedicated subforum. It might be worth a PM to a Webmaster to see if that's something that can be set up. I am not sure if there's any sort of procedure to follow.

FCastor - my personal favorite PbP stomping grounds are on rpol.net ; they have a built-in dice roller, you can make multiple aliases for each campaign, they have embedded wikis if you don't want to use something like Obsidian Portal. They also have a robust 'seeking players' and 'seeking gamemasters' section for finding other games to play in. Downside is they are yet another place to make a registration and get used to.

I did check rpol.net, but I readily admit that I found the layout a bit... daunting. Furthermore, I generally do not like joining forums unless I am really interested in what they are about. Still, I may look again. It was just that so far the Paizo forums have satisfied my PbP cravings due to them being Pathfinder-oriented, but now I find that FFG's Star Wars game system has certainly piqued my interest, to say the least.

As for awayputurwpn's proposed game, I am certainly interested, as I have already said. As for a general character concept, I am considering a Human Warrior (Shii-Cho Knight) with the Compassion/Hatred Morality probably. There is something about a kind and generally nice guy who is nevertheless capable of holding his own in a fight that appeals to me, though I am still thinking on it. I did say I am rather fond of those pesky Force wizards and their laser swords... ;)

Edited by FCastor

I'm interested in the campaign. I just would to hear more on what is being used rules wise, as well as other questions about the campaign.

Beyond that, the characters I play are "mostly" support characters. They are not meant to carry the fight on their own unless I need to. That, and I also have a tendency for going for the brainy characters.

I am interested. I would like to propose a Mystic advisor Drall. A kind of Yoda clone ;)

As for the type of campaign, I have no preference.

You could ask that both OOC and IC being pinned on the top of the forum by the forum admins.

Edited by vilainn6

I might be down to play. I almost feel like I'd rather be something from the other books though.

I'm interested, not sure what I'd like to play though. If it must be FaD career I might be a Hutt Seeker - Pathfinder if thats acceptable, I think it would be fun and unique experience (I feel a little bad for whatever poor beast I decide to take as a mount down the line though :P ).

Every official book would be fair game. Force Users must have a Morality score, and otherwise players are free to select Obligation or Duty (or a mix of two of the three).

For species, I'd prefer we stick with officially published material.

As for the Group Resource (Step 10 of character creation), that'd largely depend on the party composition.

I'm interested in the campaign. I just would to hear more on what is being used rules wise, as well as other questions about the campaign.

Definitely let me know if you have any questions! You can post them here or PM me. I'll be playing everything by the book, rules-wise, so no special house rules or anything. Wanna keep things simple at the outset :)

The second is that the games can get either quite large or go very quickly.

If by large you mean that they can keep going for a long time instead of fizzling out, that is actually my hope. That a PbP campaign can last for a long time so that its story can be told and its characters can grow both crunch- and fluff-wise. :)

I emailed the webmaster, by the way, so we'll see what comes of that!

If my tally is right, we've got FCastor, Sarone, evanfardreamer, kaosoe, vilainn6, and Revanchist7 as interested parties. That is doable for a single game. If we have others posting, we might have to split up the parties. Not sure how I feel about doing two games thought!

Every official book would be fair game. Force Users must have a Morality score, and otherwise players are free to select Obligation or Duty (or a mix of two of the three).

For species, I'd prefer we stick with officially published material.

As for the Group Resource (Step 10 of character creation), that'd largely depend on the party composition.

I'm interested in the campaign. I just would to hear more on what is being used rules wise, as well as other questions about the campaign.

Definitely let me know if you have any questions! You can post them here or PM me. I'll be playing everything by the book, rules-wise, so no special house rules or anything. Wanna keep things simple at the outset :)

1) What kind of campaign are we looking at? Is it a heavy action, combat focused game, an intrigue campaign, or an extensive roleplay game?

2) What do we use for dice rolls? In the core book it is recommended that both GMs and players work out the results. That way it is a bit more interpretive.

3) Frequency of posting. Are we looking at one post a day or one post a week (I'm open to twice a week minimum, as that can keep a campaign rolling)?

4) Are there any preferred play styles/character types that you (and every one else) like? Likewise, are there any play styles/character types you (and everyone else) hate?

5) Fixed location that we will be at for a while or will there be some moving around from the word go?

6) One long campaign or episodic adventures? Not to have a revolving door of cast members, but life can be harsh at times. Plus, it would allow new players to come in and provide a fresh perspective while old players take a break.

7) Speaking of players, would there be a "casting call" rotation? Depending on the campaign, what I mean is that each "episode" would focus on one or two players, expanding their story, while the other ones either help out or go about their daily lives.

8) Player input for the over all story. Would you want to bring events and characters from a players past to help the story out?

That's about ti from my end. My apologies for the barrage of questions.

I emailed the webmaster, by the way, so we'll see what comes of that!

If my tally is right, we've got FCastor, Sarone, evanfardreamer, kaosoe, vilainn6, and Revanchist7 as interested parties. That is doable for a single game. If we have others posting, we might have to split up the parties. Not sure how I feel about doing two games thought!

Six players is a good number, especially if there's a wide range of skills or a focus on various abilities. It allows a few to specialize n one area or another without causing much trouble for the group.

Actually, it's better with the kind of system that FFG has. Players/GMs can dabble in various skills and abilities without having to worry about being gimped in the long run. That was a fairly consistent issue with Pathfinder.

The second is that the games can get either quite large or go very quickly.

If by large you mean that they can keep going for a long time instead of fizzling out, that is actually my hope. That a PbP campaign can last for a long time so that its story can be told and its characters can grow both crunch- and fluff-wise. :)

I was part of one campaign that lasted a year an a half before fizzling out due to player attrition and schedule changes.

The advantage here, though, is that FFG isn't level based, meaning a player with an approved leave of absence can come back after a time. Only thing that is needed is a good story/reason for leaving and returning. Then GM to hand out points to reflect what has happened to the character.

Likewise, if there is a second group, having players be able to mix between campaigns could be another way to go. That way the changes and events in one campaign could be felt in another campaign.

I'm definitely interested as well. :)

1) What kind of campaign are we looking at? Is it a heavy action, combat focused game, an intrigue campaign, or an extensive roleplay game?

2) What do we use for dice rolls? In the core book it is recommended that both GMs and players work out the results. That way it is a bit more interpretive.

3) Frequency of posting. Are we looking at one post a day or one post a week (I'm open to twice a week minimum, as that can keep a campaign rolling)?

4) Are there any preferred play styles/character types that you (and every one else) like? Likewise, are there any play styles/character types you (and everyone else) hate?

5) Fixed location that we will be at for a while or will there be some moving around from the word go?

6) One long campaign or episodic adventures? Not to have a revolving door of cast members, but life can be harsh at times. Plus, it would allow new players to come in and provide a fresh perspective while old players take a break.

7) Speaking of players, would there be a "casting call" rotation? Depending on the campaign, what I mean is that each "episode" would focus on one or two players, expanding their story, while the other ones either help out or go about their daily lives.

Several of these involve other players, too; my .02:

1) Heavy combat in a PbP format (in my experience) tends to bring out several of the medium limitations - each player takes one turn, waits for GM interpretation, then does nothing until his turn in the next round. Especially with large groups, it's a big problem with players losing interest. Might be alleviated somewhat if each PC also runs one of the enemies' turns (subject to DM overruling) but it gives them a little something more to do each turn. I personally would prefer a high-action more than intrigue, at least to start.

2) Dice rolls I think Orokos was mentioned. It keeps roll histories for each player and spits out already formatted BBCode stuff for our posts.

3) Twice a week seems reasonable - though we may want to have a set schedule 'this scene will end 23 August and you will move on to the hangar bay' for situations like roleplaying in a cantina, to ensure we don't bog the action down with talking.

4) Lone wolves are toxic if they can't work with the group. If you're playing a hardened SpecForces operator, make sure they *can* work with a team. I personally play more rounded chars than specialists - an armor master with a rank in Charm, an Int junkie skill monkey who knows everything from mechanics to medicine, etc.

5) Semi-fixed would be my preference - whether it's a Gallofree transport we're operating from, or a mountaintop base we return to between adventures, having some constancy would be preferred.

6) Episodic is my preference - people do get busy and drop, or may want to take the mentioned breaks. I'll probably be one if we're still going in 6 months - have another kid on the way.

7) I like the sound of that rotating focus. Only concern would be to make sure the highlighted players were committed to post frequency. (A storyline falls apart if its main char drops out.) Or I may just be jaded from prior games in this format falling to pieces.

1) What kind of campaign are we looking at? Is it a heavy action, combat focused game, an intrigue campaign, or an extensive roleplay game?

2) What do we use for dice rolls? In the core book it is recommended that both GMs and players work out the results. That way it is a bit more interpretive.

3) Frequency of posting. Are we looking at one post a day or one post a week (I'm open to twice a week minimum, as that can keep a campaign rolling)?

4) Are there any preferred play styles/character types that you (and every one else) like? Likewise, are there any play styles/character types you (and everyone else) hate?

5) Fixed location that we will be at for a while or will there be some moving around from the word go?

6) One long campaign or episodic adventures? Not to have a revolving door of cast members, but life can be harsh at times. Plus, it would allow new players to come in and provide a fresh perspective while old players take a break.

7) Speaking of players, would there be a "casting call" rotation? Depending on the campaign, what I mean is that each "episode" would focus on one or two players, expanding their story, while the other ones either help out or go about their daily lives.

8) Player input for the over all story. Would you want to bring events and characters from a players past to help the story out?

Let me see...

1) A nice and somewhat balanced mix of different elements would be ideal. This way it would give a variety of character concepts their chance to shine. A focus on combat, or at least too much of it, may indeed prove problematic when the game is in PbP format, as it can indeed slow it down. Still, I have found that the FFG system does lend itself better to PbP with the way the dice work, as it can rely a little less on the GM replying promptly, making even combat perhaps a little easier to move along when compared to Pathfinder and other systems like it.

2) As evanfardreamer said, I believe Orokos should do nicely. I already have a profile there, so it does work for me. And it does have the handy little feature of giving the result as well in regards to number of Successes, Advantages, Failures and the like.

3) I would certainly not be adverse to 1 post per 24 or 48 hours, as that is what I am mostly used to. Of course, that is not always possible, so it can get as low as 2 per week, I suppose. I would caution against too slow a speed though, as infrequent posting can kill a PbP.

4) I do not really have a preference, as I am all for everyone playing what they want to play. That way it is easier to get invested in the character and actually enjoy the game. I do not even mind semi-lone wolves, as long as they are built and played with the understanding that this is a group game after all. :)

5) With Star Wars having a vast galaxy out there and the movies showing the protagonists going from this planet to that on more than one location, I would go with semi-fixed of a sort. Ideally there would be moving around, visiting this planet or that if or when the story calls for it (and thus give the pilots a chance to do their thing, maybe even throw in some ship combat), but having some sort of base -or ship- of operations would be nice. Heck, we could even start with one and end up with another as the game moves along.

6) I am not against the episodic format, I suppose, but I would love some overarching storyline frankly, something to connect the episodes together and slowly but surely make itself known. Plus, I would also prefer it if the characters remain constant; I would certainly like to have my guy grow and evolve instead of getting to a point and then be required to make a new one and start over again (although I am not entirely sure you actually meant that, so I may have misunderstood...).

7) I do not really mind. If it proves too difficult to keep all the characters in the spotlight at the same time -and it certainly can- I do not mind shifting focus from this character to that from session to session or episode to episode or something to that effect.

8) If people and events from a character's past can be used as plot and story hooks, I would certainly love for them to play a part in the story and help it grow, adding flavor and a sort of personal touch to it.

As for awayputurwpn's thoughts regarding the era the game takes place in, I do not think I have a particularly strong preference, as long as it is something the GM wants to play and is interested in. Maybe a slight preference towards the time of the Galactic Civil War due to the associated drama and potential and what we know of it from the OT (and even the PT), but I am not really sure, though it can make things difficult -and interesting- for Force-users, be they ex-Jedi or not. Again, I am game for whatever the GM prefers really.

Edited by FCastor

I seem to be late to the party, but I would like to throw my hat in the ring as well. Likely play a Shadow.

1) What kind of campaign are we looking at? Is it a heavy action, combat focused game, an intrigue campaign, or an extensive roleplay game?

2) What do we use for dice rolls? In the core book it is recommended that both GMs and players work out the results. That way it is a bit more interpretive.

3) Frequency of posting. Are we looking at one post a day or one post a week (I'm open to twice a week minimum, as that can keep a campaign rolling)?

4) Are there any preferred play styles/character types that you (and every one else) like? Likewise, are there any play styles/character types you (and everyone else) hate?

5) Fixed location that we will be at for a while or will there be some moving around from the word go?

6) One long campaign or episodic adventures? Not to have a revolving door of cast members, but life can be harsh at times. Plus, it would allow new players to come in and provide a fresh perspective while old players take a break.

7) Speaking of players, would there be a "casting call" rotation? Depending on the campaign, what I mean is that each "episode" would focus on one or two players, expanding their story, while the other ones either help out or go about their daily lives.

8) Player input for the over all story. Would you want to bring events and characters from a players past to help the story out?

Let me see...

6) I am not against the episodic format, I suppose, but I would love some overarching storyline frankly, something to connect the episodes together and slowly but surely make itself known. Plus, I would also prefer it if the characters remain constant; I would certainly like to have my guy grow and evolve instead of getting to a point and then be required to make a new one and start over again (although I am not entirely sure you actually meant that, so I may have misunderstood...).

Not necessarily be forced to make a new character.

In this case, I meant that a character you made is starting to feel old to you. This way, if you still want to stick around but not the character, then you can have a secondary character up while the primary takes a break.

Also, as one person said, the idea here is to have it be a bit more fluid of a casting call. While there might be a primary cast of players, the secondary cast can be players interested in trying out FFG Star Wars in a PbP setting.

In fact, the same rule could apply to GMing, as well. Looking at how series are, it wasn't just one writer or one director doing the entire season/series. It would stand to reason that a rotation for GM would be worked out before hand in order to prevent burn out.

I'm WhAT intereSTED PLaying PLEASE.

Edited by Crazy Aido

1) What kind of campaign are we looking at? Is it a heavy action, combat focused game, an intrigue campaign, or an extensive roleplay game?

2) What do we use for dice rolls? In the core book it is recommended that both GMs and players work out the results. That way it is a bit more interpretive.

3) Frequency of posting. Are we looking at one post a day or one post a week (I'm open to twice a week minimum, as that can keep a campaign rolling)?

4) Are there any preferred play styles/character types that you (and every one else) like? Likewise, are there any play styles/character types you (and everyone else) hate?

5) Fixed location that we will be at for a while or will there be some moving around from the word go?

6) One long campaign or episodic adventures? Not to have a revolving door of cast members, but life can be harsh at times. Plus, it would allow new players to come in and provide a fresh perspective while old players take a break.

7) Speaking of players, would there be a "casting call" rotation? Depending on the campaign, what I mean is that each "episode" would focus on one or two players, expanding their story, while the other ones either help out or go about their daily lives.

8) Player input for the over all story. Would you want to bring events and characters from a players past to help the story out?

That's about ti from my end. My apologies for the barrage of questions.

No apologies necessary!

  • A good Star Wars game, IMO, has "a bit of everything." Really depends on the party composition, though. I would encourage the players to simply create the PCs they would have fun playing, and then we can go from there.
  • I would recommend http://orokos.com/roll/ as the dice roller*. It's easy, keeps a record of all rolls, and has a BBCode copy-paste capabilities that will generate a dice little set of images that correspond to each die rolled. And I don't have to bring my dice with me wherever I go (I do anyway, but I don't have to ;) ). However, as I said before, if orokos presents too great a difficulty, physical dice are fine with me. As to how we handle each individual roll, I would give the player the difficulty, have them roll it up and post & narrate the results in the IC thread to their desire. In combat, or when the results of the roll can't really be determined by the player alone, they can post the roll IC, and I will PM them mechanical results, and then the player can narrate the results in the IC thread. I will do my best to define the effects of success/failure before the roll takes place so that we don't run into grossly inordinate dice interpretations!
  • Posting/check-in intervals: As often as you like, with a maximum check-in period of 48 hours. If I don't hear from you and the ball's in your court, I reserve the right to NPC your character as minutely as possible to get the game back on track.
  • I haven't personally encountered a play style that I hate, unless you call "being checked out" a play-style :) As long as players are engaged, and they are trying to play to their Motivations while keeping their Duty/Obligation/Morality in focus, we should be fine.
  • Location and/or mode of transportation will depend largely on Step 10 of PC creation. I'm game to try a homestead, a base of operations, a group of starfighters, a freighter, whatever. Even a mix of various "group resources" might be appropriate, if we have enough of a mix of Obligation, Duty, and Morality going around.
  • I might tend towards episodic. Set a time limit (say, let's try to wrap up an episode in 3 months) and then go from there. I like the idea of a rotation cast, and like you say, it gives players the chance to take a break without disrupting game continuity.
  • I want players to be able to play the PCs they want to play. So as long as you keep the same character for one episode, I would be fine with the switching out of characters. But I'm also thinking that only active characters earn XP. So it depends on how "good" you wanna get :)
  • Most definitely, yes! Like I said earlier, nothing too detailed in character backgrounds please (a paragraph or two should be entirely sufficient), but yeah a story that the PCs can get involved in is nice. I'll get a ball rolling here in a couple days with a "call for players" thread, where we will have our "Session 0," and I'll give you guys first dibs (I'll PM you in order of posting your interest here...if there ends up being a wait list, I'll extend it 48 hours before I give your reserved spots to late comers).

*Orokos Dice Sample:

Swinging from the chandelier—Athletics : 2eP+1eA+2eD+1eS+1eF 1 advantage, 1 Light Side

p--.png p-s-a.png a-a.png d-f.png d--.png s-th.png f-ls.png

Sounds good to me. :)

Addendum to Answer 3: I understand that real life always comes with complications, and sometimes stuff just happens. If you're going to be away for more than 48 hours, though, I would surely appreciate a heads-up. And I will endeavor to do the same :)