I'd like to express my sincere gratitude and remark on the excellent customer service provided by FFG, especially in repsonding so promptly to gamers' requests and concerns about the quality of (or missing) figures in Middle Earth Quest. I'm a loyal FFG fan forever and will contue to play your fantastic range of games. Well done and thanks to everyone concerned.
Thanks FFG for the replacement figs for MEQ
This is par for the course for FFG. They do support their customers very well.
Thaadd does support customers very well. I appreciate the hand written notes she takes time to write.
I want to thank you too about the costumer service. I've received my replacement this morning. Thank you very much Mr. Thaadd!
JD4 said:
I want to thank you too about the costumer service. I've received my replacement this morning. Thank you very much Mr. Thaadd!
I would think Thaadd would prefer Ms. given her gender
. Maybe Mrs.
So sorry... I'm spanish and I didn't realize about the gender :S So sorry then!! And Thanks again!
JD4 said:
So sorry... I'm spanish and I didn't realize about the gender :S So sorry then!! And Thanks again!
Thaadd , the person who handles customer service for FFG is a woman. The earlier poster refered incorrectly to "Thaadd" as mister.
What if you bought the game form an online site though? How do we get replacement figures or even all of them. My copy came with 4 broken figures and 3 copies of the elf. ATM i am using GQ miniatures to play the game since nothing in th e game is either unbroken or even representable.
Baenre said:
What if you bought the game form an online site though? How do we get replacement figures or even all of them. My copy came with 4 broken figures and 3 copies of the elf. ATM i am using GQ miniatures to play the game since nothing in th e game is either unbroken or even representable.
Contact the online site where you ordered from. That's what I did with coolstuffinc.com...
Are these replacement figs the same brittle plastic or are they softer like all the other FFG minis? (prefer the softer plastic minis as they are harder to break)