Hi there!
I'm starting a new game of Dark Heressy 1st edition and I've decided to start the campaign with Illumination. It's fast, it's lethal, the setting is interesting and most importantly, I'm pretty sure I can pull it in one 8 hour session.
I do have some issues with some parts of it though.
1- The Brazen Sky chapter is boring as hell. I've already added in some fluff to make it more enjoyable but I'd be curious to know how other GMs handle this particular chapter.
2- I'm not sure if there are enough clues for the players to figure out the plot before it's spelled out for them at the end. Also, the plot is just spelled out for the Acolytes at the end.
3- Speaking of clues: Anyone have any ideas on how to hint on the way to kill the Skae thing without being too obvious.
4- I don't know if I read this right but are there really 3 combat encounters in one day!? I can't really see how a group of 3 acolytes armed with pea shooters are supposed to live though that.
5- Anything you've added in that you felt proud of or that really added a little something to the adventure that you'd like to share would be nice.
The game should start on saturday and I've already got some ideas for how I'm going to work with these issues (and I know there are probably others I've missed) but I'd like to hear it from people who have actually played or GMed it before.