Progressing from Beginner Set adventure to the one in the Core book

By Chimpy, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG

Does anyone know if the beginner box adventure "Mountaintop Rescue" (and the online continuation "Lure of the Lost") can be made to easily hook up to the adventure in the core book "Lessons from the Past"? My GM has run Mountaintop Rescue and is now considering what to do next.

If so, are there any caveats or pitfalls that the GM needs to be aware of? The thing that springs to mind is that the beginner box pre-gens have full lightsabres which is quite overpowered for new characters.

Edited by Chimpy

Well, the main hook for Lessons of the Past is that the PCs are responding to a communique from a scholarly NPC that they've encountered in the past.

An easy modification to make is to have this NPC be an associate of Hethan from the Beginner Box adventure, and that she sends the PCs to respond instead of going herself; perhaps she suffered some truly nasty injuries that will take weeks to heal and thus is in no shape to do any serious traveling.

Of course, one question comes is "how are the PCs getting there?" The lack of a ship is something that's largely hand-waved for Mountaintop Rescue, but the possible lack of a ship becomes an issue for LftP. Unless the party has already decided to take a holocron or "Hethan as mentor" as their starting party resource, then the GM can simply provide the party with a G9 Rigger and perhaps an NPC pilot of none of the group are trained in Astrogation and/or Piloting (Space) for the sake of the adventure (maybe Hethan is able to arrange hiring the pilot and his ship for the adventure).

Thanks. I've not played F&D yet, but in EotE the party got a basic ship as part of their starting set-up, so perhaps it makes sense for them to get given one as a reward or something.