This is a modified version of a deck I built before the change from ccg to lcg (and before the 0-cost rituals were banned). I used it in a tournament a couple of weeks ago, and beat all of my opponents (two of which have played the game as long as I have) 3-0 (that is, they didn't win any stories).
Any comments or suggestions would be most welcome.
3x AER181 Shub-Niggurath, The Black Goat of the Woods
3x AEU194 Slithering Formless Spawn
3x AEC197 Burrowing Beneath
3x UTC111 Forest Sister
3x UTC116 A Time to Reap
3x UTU121 Shocking Transformation
3x FRU110 Ancient Guardian
3x EEC187 Ghoul Khanum
3x EEC191 Priestess of Bubastis
3x EEC203 The Mother's Seed
2x FCR110 Y'Golonac, The Obscenity
3x FCC115 Swaying Branches
3x SoMF13 Dreamlands Messenger
3x KDF 14 Thunder in the East
3x AER214 The Stars are Right
3x UTU144 Sniper Rifle
3x EEP8 The Unfortunate Cat Klaus
2x KDF20 The Rope and Anchor Tavern