So right now im a force sensitive exile and a colonist politico. To get into force sensitive emmergent would it be 30 xp because its my third specialization? and if that true lets say later i wanna get into Jedi Consular-Niman disciple would that be 40 xp? or would it be 50 xp cuz its a new career?
please help! Thanks!
You cannot pick up a second career.
Your first specialization (Politico) is free.
Your second specialization (F-SEx) costs 20 XP for a career or universal spec.
Your third specialization (F-SEm) costs 30 XP for a career or universal spec.
Your fourth specialization (Niman Disciple) costs 50 XP for a non-career spec.
You started as a Colonist: Politico.
Entering into Force Sensitive Exile costs 10*(the number of total specializations you will have) = 20. Because it is a universal specialization, it doesn't have an added surcharge for being out of Career.
Entering into Force Sensitive Emergent costs 10*(total specs) = 30. This is also a universal specialization, so it also doesn't have an added surcharge.
Entering into Niman Disciple costs 10*(total specs) + 10 for the surcharge of the specialization being not in your initial Career = 50.
Alright thanks guys for the help!
Misunderstood your comment. Thought you meant if there was a price on buying a new career.
Not that there's anything wrong with buying Emergent in addition to already having Exile, since they both have great talents all around, but just to make sure you know, buying Emergent doesn't net you an extra Force Rating off the bat, since that's a common misconception that people newer to the system tend to have (and is usually why they want to buy both despite having FaD specializations available).
Edited by LathropWait so getting into the force emergent tree doesnt give a force rating +1?
Wait so getting into the force emergent tree doesnt give a force rating +1?
No. It gives Force Rating 1. If you already have a Force Rating 1 (or higher), then it gives you nothing more.
Not that there's anything wrong with buying Emergent in addition to already having Exile, since they both have great talents all around, but just to make sure you know, buying Emergent doesn't net you an extra Force Rating off the bat, since that's a common misconception that people newer to the system tend to have (and is usually why they want to buy both despite having FaD specializations available).
Good catch.
After gaining the initial Force Rating granted the career or the FS:Em or FS:Ex spec, the only way to increase the Force Rating is through the Force Rating talent. As Lathrop said the FS:Em and FS:Ex only grant s you a Force Rating of 1, it does not increase it.
Edited by kaosoeIf someone goes into exile or emergent after having the other I usually give the player 1 rank for free in discipline or one rank free in lore as long as they don't already have it.